Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • eb3_nepa
    12-11 11:26 AM
    If Microsoft with all the money and power can't get visa increase, it's naive to assume that we can do that in one shot. Let's just fry the small fish first.

    Well said actually!

    From the past couple of years and efforts it is VERY clear that any kind of Quota Increase is a BIG no no with the Anti-immigrants. This now divides the IV users into 3 groups

    1) This group has already applied for the I-485 a Long time ago but has not seen their GC in the mail yet.
    2) This group has not been able to file for I-485 coz of retrogression.
    3) This group is stuck in Labour Certification stage and cant do anything about it.

    How about for starters if we try and alleviate the pain of people in groups 2 and 3, i.e. ask for people to be able to apply for stage 3 (and ead etc) without the PD mess. For the labour people we ask for a similar benefit. As for group one, well i know that you guys do not benefit under this, but consider this, you are already in a much better situation than the rest of 2 groups. I know you have to go for fingerprinting etc and renew the EAD every year, but consider this: People stuck in LC and stage 2 have to spend much more on renewing H1/H4s coz of lawyer fees. Maybe, if we reduced our demands to asking for 3 things

    a) Filing for stage 3 regardless of PD
    b) Relief for people in the LC mess
    c) Fingerprinting one person just Once (i mean fingerprints dont change do they?)

    This might go under the radar as no quota increase is being asked for. I know this point has been discussed ad-infinitum before and we concluded that no more band-aids for the immigration process, let us get a permanent solution. Well permanent solutions take their time, especially with a Much more powerful lobby opposing those changes. For all we know this permanent solution may NEVER go through. Lets face the facts here:

    1) The big corps are pushing ONLY for H1B increase.
    2) Anti-immigrants are opposed to ANY kind of increase in numbers.
    3) Currently the political climate is such that it is either, deal with legals AND illegals or nothing at all.
    4) Currently FAR bigger problems stand in front of the lawmakers such as the war, stem cell, abortion etc etc etc.
    5) Currently the average American is OPPOSED to even legal immigrants for fear of losing their jobs to them.

    In light of all this, does it make sense to go for a Comprehensive Permanent solution or does it make sense to ask for smaller tid-bits and treat the other costs we incur as "costs of doing business"? I mean atleast if the husband and wife Both have H1bs and jobs, you will still be making a ton of money. U use things like approved I-140s to switch jobs with 3 year extensions or u use the EADs. Let us seriously think about this solution.

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  • psk79
    08-21 10:19 AM
    Application received by R.Mickels on 07/02/07 at NSC ( I485/I131/I765), LUD on my I 140 on 07/28/07.My I 140 approved April 06. No receipts/ checks cashed. I m From NY,I think my application transfer to TSC.
    Actually I had problem since my son will be 21 on July 24th, I hope i will get receipt date July 2nd.

    I had a LUD on 7/28 and nothing after that... My I140 approved in Texas in April2006. I think we should get the receipt number here pretty soon...

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  • gdilla
    03-09 04:31 PM
    Why is the US the be all and end all of your life and career? Is Canada out of the question? It's not always rosey up there, but schools are just as good if not better than US, generally safer and less xenphobic, and they will welcome and appreciate your skills; pay you a fair wage (that through hard work and good relationships you can ratchet up over the years), and welcome your family. CAD is going up. US dollar is going down.

    Did you know that most large, publicaly traded, US hi-tech and financial juggernauts have thriving offices in Canada (to take advantage of high skiled quality workforce)? Intel, HP, Agilent, Cisco, Microsoft, IBM, AMD, etc. Start applying. And guess what, if you really pine for the start and stripes, you can work your way to a transfer back on an L1 visa which may up your EB category and reduce your wait time.

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  • SA EB3 Retro
    08-13 03:20 PM
    Signature has all relevant information. I-140 was approved August 2005.


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  • sujijag
    02-10 12:39 PM
    Contributed $50
    Immigration Voice $50.00 02/13/2009 8MWS5-D1N6F

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  • coolman
    10-04 03:07 PM
    Applied on July 19th, news yet..


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  • mariner5555
    04-30 03:41 PM
    I can tell you there are roughly 100,000 labor applications filed (50,000 EB3) between Aug 2003 and Dec 2003 for EB India category. The reason was everybody wanted to clear thru regular process before PERM takes over. Those Labors filed after Aug 2003 and before PERM started are moved into backlog and are fully cleary last 4 th quarter. And so 90% of those EB3s may be still there (45,000) hanging. EB2s could have been cleared substantially till Dec 2003. It is all my guess work and not sceintific or factual. also ..this looks very inaccurate ..because I know lot of indians who got H1 during the peak (when h1 was 195k) have gone back. i.e either they got better oppurtunities back home or just went back as they were not getting jobs. I did stay in one of the guest house which had lots of consultants ..none of them are here anymore !!

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  • Can454545
    05-10 08:13 PM
    Its amazing how this community reacts to these set backs. For last few months I have been consistently seeing people with EB-3 complaining and pleading to the community to come together and join hands to eliminate the country cap. But most of the words fell of dumb ears. Most of the EB-2 members did read the pleads and requests, but did not bother to take and concrete actions or even comment on it.
    Now that the EB-2 is regrogressed to 2000, suddenly all the EB-2 members jump in. What happened, friends?
    This is plain selfishness - on the part for few lil stratured people. They should be ashamed of themselves or even to comment on these forums and come up with ideas.
    The point is not to divide the community, but to emphasize on unity! Though we belong to different EB categories, we need to work together and realize the pain of the community as a whole instead of taking it individually.
    Well my hopes are pretty low from this community, infact hopeless. But I did take the pain to create the dummy username to point this bigotry of some of our useless members, who are among us.
    Please don't care for our betterment - we have and would manage without the help of you BS people.



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  • gc_aspirant_prasad
    07-05 02:00 PM
    AILF is ready to take the cause up, then why not ? Fragmon & Rajiv Khanna are just two opinions. I think the Congresswoman who spoke out on this issue used to be an immigration lawyer prior to taking up public office & she mentions in her letters to DHS that this may be a potential violation of the law.

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  • sam2006
    08-24 07:11 PM
    July 3rd R.Williams 7.44 AM NSC
    140 Approved TSC
    LUD 07-28
    No CC
    NO RN

    my guess: Look at TSC Processing dates


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  • Jimi_Hendrix
    10-16 01:14 PM
    The immigration debate for legal immigrants and illegal immigrants with substantial presence in the USA has been raging for 2 years now. Reforms consistently went through Senate but got stuck in the house. Last year has been most painful and has brought matters to a tipping point. Therefore, I conclude that after the elections things have to settle down - this matter cannot be up in the air any longer. Either we get formally and bitterly screwed or some relief pops out in the next 2-3 months.

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  • mattresscoil
    11-18 08:23 PM
    Hello group:

    Got this response from Ander Crenshaw - Member of Congress
    What does this mean? is he going to support or not? should I follow-up and ask anything else?
    Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns about immigration policy. I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts with me on this matter.

    The basic law governing immigration and naturalization is contained in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) of 1952. The INA establishes a flexible level of permanent admissions. The Act provides for a permanent worldwide level of 675,000 immigrants each year. The worldwide level is flexible in that it may be exceeded in certain circumstances. The permanent immigrant level consists of the following components: (a) family-sponsored immigrants, including immediate relatives of U.S. citizens and family-sponsored preference immigrants; (b) employment-based preference immigrants; and (c) diversity immigrants, those immigrants with low admission levels who must have a high school education or its equivalent or a minimum of two years work experience in a profession requiring two years of training or experience. Additionally, the INA establishes per-country levels that are applicable to family-sponsored and employment-based preference immigrants only. The per-country level is not a "quota" set aside for individual countries. According to the State Department, the per-country level is not an entitlement but, rather, a barrier against monopolization of the immigration by one country in any given year.

    Legal immigration has had a positive impact on the United States and our economy. Most immigrants come to this country with a support system already in place (e.g., family-sponsored and employment-based immigrants). The majority of the other legal immigrants are permitted to remain in this country for humanitarian reasons. Studies have also shown that within several short years, most immigrants are net producers, rather than net consumers, in our economy. While there is certainly a legitimate debate regarding the appropriate level of immigration, most would agree that an immigration policy which promotes family unity and requires a certain degree of self-support is generally acceptable.

    However, there is a significant difference between legal and illegal immigration. Since my election to Congress in 2000, I have worked with my colleagues to ensure that our border is more secure and that we do not encourage people to come into our country illegally. Illegal aliens place a tremendous financial and social burden on our society, and we must work to stop this unfair practice.

    The best way to get illegal immigration under control is to secure our borders. Our porous borders have allowed more than ten million people to cross into our country with no oversight, no accountability, and no record. We simply have no idea who they are, where they came from, and most importantly - why they entered our country illegally. I believe we must increase the size of the Border Patrol to 18,000 agents, we must actively construct a double barrier wall and utilize technological innovations, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, to conduct surveillance operations along the remaining border.

    Once we have secured our borders, we must turn our attention to the more than 12 million illegal immigrants already residing here. There are varying proposals currently being debated here in Washington as to what is the most economically feasible approach to addressing this situation. I do not support amnesty for those individuals who have broken our laws and will work to deport those individuals who have become a financial and social burden on our society. I believe that we must establish an Employer Verification System that is easy to use and provides timely feedback to employers. Any employer that continues to knowingly employ illegal aliens should be assessed heavy fines and penalties.

    I look forward to debating this issue during the year to come and assure you that I will continue to support revisions to our current immigration policy that provide meaningful reform and offer maximum protection for our borders. Additionally, I will oppose any attempts to provide amnesty to the more than 12 million illegal immigrants currently living in this country.

    Again, I want to thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any further assistance on this matter or if you would like additional information on this topic or other issues facing Congress, please visit my Web site at United States Congressman Ander Crenshaw - Florida's 4th District (

    Ander Crenshaw
    Member of Congress


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  • chandarc
    07-21 08:31 PM
    Yes, Please share the template.

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  • xs2sharad
    11-17 10:49 PM


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  • HelloWorld2007
    09-18 02:28 PM
    Have any of your packages been received by 'M Hindera'. Never seen this name come across in this board. Mine was received by this guy on 20th July at NSC, 140 approved at NSC, no receipts. Pls let me know..

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  • dtekkedil
    07-05 01:25 PM
    Guys inorder for DOS or DHS or USCIS to get the message they will FIRST and FOREMOST have to understand WHO Gandhi is. For that we will have to attach a few pages of documentation about Mahatma Gandhi. By the time the message gets to the correct person's hands AND he/she understands the true meaning of the message, the person will think we insulted them, coz the the flowers will be dead and dried up and STINKY.

    Folks... the flowers are just one part of the campaign. The other part is where we notify every major news media about what we are trying to do (we will mail them on July 9th). That is where we let people know what we are trying to achieve. The flowers are a means to an end. Something to attract the media.

    We hope that the media will cover this event since it is so unorthodox.


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  • anzerraja
    07-20 10:19 AM
    Some of the members have missed entering the pledge amount.

    Could you please enter the pledge amount so that we can keep track of the total ?

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  • GKBest
    10-02 11:27 AM
    Hi everyone,
    Iam a July 3rd filer and the moneyorders for me and my wife has been cashed on September 28th. We had send 2 moneyorders for $745. Waiting for the receipts to come. Hope all of you get your receipts very soon.

    And what time? Hopefully, I will be in that box.

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  • mygc2006
    11-19 07:35 AM
    Emails sent for me and my wife!

    05-08 03:53 PM
    So who is the leader who is responsible of DOING stuff with that money when I contribute

    You are the leader, because your are paying for it. Instead lets maybe assign a florist, we pay through google pay have them deliver the flowers too Dc or Obama administration for living up to their promises and how USCIS is promoting racism. Obama just came out with the article on how education is important and how unemployed people should consider going to college and state departments should offer help.

    We should question in our conquest, is this what president is referring too? Is this what this nation wants?

    Please lets make this happen! Lets find a florist and we can place our orders.

    11-17 04:23 PM
    sent emails.. will post the letters also. Thanks

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  • shakunbansal
    09-20 08:53 PM
    Anybody with case filed on aug9th with NSC recieved any notice??

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  • dtekkedil
    07-03 08:05 AM
    Can we setup a separate payment account for those willing to contribute to this campaign? It becomes difficult to coordinate if every individual goes on to mail the flowers. Instead we should all contribute to the "send a flower" campaign and then the person in charge of the account should send those flowers (with the note) on a pre-selected date.

    It makes things easier for people and they may be more willing to participate!

    The other thing is to raise awareness about this campaign! Mail your friends...

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  • anantc
    08-20 02:45 PM
    EAD renewal applied for spouse: July 21 2008
    Receipt dt/Check EnCashed: July 23 2008


    PD:Oct 2003
    I-140 (EB2) Filed in Oct'06 received query in Dec 2007. Employer forced to change to EB3
    I-140(EB3) Pending and transfered to Nebraska Center
    I-485 Pending (But applied before EB2 140 got query)

    No Idea!! :((
    More than 9yrs waiting now! with some Hope of getting EB3 485 moving to Oct 2003 and up in Sept.

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  • Amitdon
    08-31 11:55 AM
    Can someone guide to start new thread ?

    I know this is wrong thread but I need to ask somewhere.


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  • cbpds
    09-09 07:45 PM
    Totally agree with you dude, is IV doing anything about this issue?

    Dont bark at not donating, will donate if this issue is given serious consideration as well.

    Getting sick of this movement in dates.

    Illegal guy in US makes more money & without any hassle.

    Trying to stay legally hurts very much for the past 9 years.

    Atleast they should allow to pre-file I-485 so that atleast guys like me (when we missed july 2007 race) can just file and complete the verification process in I-485.

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  • BPRAO23
    11-07 06:28 PM
    What's the customer service number and the menu to talk to one of the customer service reprasentative.
    I have called the the number 800-375-5283 and confused to select the menu.

    Can you please help me in this?




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  • bombaysardar
    06-12 07:09 AM

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  • rajuseattle
    09-24 05:09 PM
    Guys i finally received our receipt notices on Sept 24th 2007.

    Self and spouse I-485/EAD/AP filed @ NSC on Aug 07th 2007
    Receipt Date: August 08th 2007
    Notice Date: Sept 14th 2007
    LUD: 09/18/2007 on 485/EAD/AP
    LUD: 08/12/2007 on I-140 pending at TSC.

    Awaiting my FP notice/EAD/AP/I-140 approvals.
    PD: EB3 ( India) June 2003


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  • gg10004
    07-09 06:25 PM D&vgnextchannel=1958b0aaa86fa010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD

    Message from USCIS Director Emilio Gonzalez

    I understand that individuals are planning to send flowers to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) beginning on Tuesday, July 10. USCIS has made arrangements to forward those flowers to our injured service members recuperating at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and at Bethesda Naval Hospital.


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  • gcnirvana
    07-20 11:59 AM
    Thanks Zooom, for starting this thread. I've mentioned about IV Core's selfless service in our 'Thanks' thread couple of days ago but didn't know about the magnitude. $64k is helluva money and its just not right coming from one pocket to favor thousands of others. Aman and other core, day by day you raise above and beyond our imaginations as a leader and guide. We assure you that you will not pay another single dime from your pocket.

    I pledge $100 to Reimburse the core team now and more later.

    Although the thread title says "Reimburse the core team" and I know that the core team will not take any money (and do not expect the memebrs to reimburse them) from the fund that we are planning on creating here...Stilll by contributing to this fund we can make sure that core does not have to bear any out of pocket personal expense in future while working on "our" goal.
    Lets see how many of us are actually inetested in contributing. Once we have the number we can set a realistic goal and divide amongst ourselves.
    For that I suggest we give this thread good two days to develop and check other members responses...
    So here is a chance for everyone to contribute to our own goal. Lets keep this going. Who ever is interested pls reply. I will do a final count after 2 days as suggested and take it from there....
    Guys: Its good to see response...Pls reply with the text "In" and the amount.

    I am sure most of us have already gone through this article but those who have not pls do so. This elablarately tells about the sacrifices our core team(especially Aman) had to make inorder to be where we are today...I am sure this will encourage you....

    Message from Pappu:

    Aman has made more financial sacrifices and time sacrifices than anyone else. Not a single penny has been reimbursed to him for his trips to DC, food and stay in DC or car rental in DC. He even risked his job and went to DC on unpaid leave at critical times because lobbying was important for getting our work done. We in the core team know this and when we see the kind of contributions we get from members, we feel disappointed that our efforts are not valued. When we started the $20 contributions people felt $20 was too high and wanted $10 per month or less. The kind of work and effort that is needed to push a single provision is phenomenal and needs lot of capital. The more the better. Sometimes reading posts that say IV core is selfish also disappoints us. People do not know the effort that goes in getting anything done. This website is simply a tool for us to communicate to everyone. The big effort is the lobbying work. We hope the Buisnessweek article helps people realize our hard work and people value it by contributing to it and helping us in all action items.

    "Members please pledge the amount. Do NOT pay right now. Since these funds are to be directed towards reimbursing the administrative costs of the core team , we are not going to be adding it to the IV funds. We are working on a strategy to get this amount across to the IV core team members. We will instruct you on how to make the payment, once we formulate a strategy"


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  • amitjoey
    05-25 04:30 PM
    Thanks to all of those new people who are writing and calling senators. Please keep up the good work. Please also help people around you (H1-B, F1, L1) understand what is happening in the senate.

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  • dval_dpal
    09-10 08:51 AM
    Eb3-I would move much slower then snail's pace.

    My PD is Jan 04, so I am not sure how many years would it take for my PD to be current. :(

    god knows how many years...but one thing i'm sure for my GC will come after 12 Years ...
    My son is 6 years old on this 12th Sep 2009 and he will file for my GC at the age of 18...

    till then no worry ...enjoy with kids....


    PD: EB3 India June 2004.


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  • gch
    05-28 12:13 PM
    emailed 10 + 2

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  • nousername
    02-09 08:43 PM
    $30 from my side.. Could not set up Paypal a/c without banking details so will do it tonight for sure..

    Keep going guys.
    Thanks for your contribution. Please pursuade your friends and relatives also


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  • abq_gc
    08-18 02:38 PM
    hey NC14... why dont u come and fight for my GC then....... since ur not so worried abt yurs........ why are u even visiting these forums.. if ur not so concerned....

    agreed... that we have to take up everyone's cause.. but well charity begins at home...

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  • eastindia
    01-14 09:58 AM
    Has anyone been checking all the predictions if they are now true after 4 months?


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  • nc14
    05-23 08:54 AM
    Just emailed my State Senators (OH) and also the 10 Senators listed by Core Team.

    If it helps, below are the Contact Form for all 10 common Seantors listed by Core Team.

    Also the advise by a fellow member of using Google Autofill was awesome.

    Patrick J. Leahy
    Arlen Specter
    Chuck Hagel
    Diane Feinstein
    John Cornyn
    Harry Reid
    Mitch McConnell
    Mel Martinez m&CFID=22272398&CFTOKEN=66357958
    Trent Lott
    Lindsey Graham

    GO IV GO..

    .................................................. ..........................
    $100+$20 recurring + $100 (Yesterday)

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  • sanjeev_2004
    10-08 01:15 PM
    It already does, if you have an approved I-140 based on your LC.

    For old PD, pending I-140 should not be bottleneck.

    PD should be first criteria but US experience should not be ignored completely. US experience should be giving less point then PD.

    10 points for each month for PD and 1 point for each month for being in US. GC priority should be created after calculating total points for PD and for being in US.

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  • gc_on_demand
    05-08 02:39 PM
    lets get together and do something please.. we need to act this month..

    Please contribute...

    07-08 05:01 PM
    That is why it loos like there is a law that limits the # of AOS applications submiited in addition to the GC #'s that can be allocated: two completely different concepts.

    AFAIK when you file the A number is allocated. That is the "visa number", and it comes from the country/EB quotas.

    once that is exhausted for a country/EB, you have to wait.

    it is not the CIS being mean. That is the way the Congress wrote the law. CIS is just enforcing it.

    10-30 12:00 PM
    Typical public forum flaming.
    Not much can be done without self control. Oh, the beauty of internet :)

    Honorable Senior members:

    Why my posts appear with a red dot ? Can I respectfully request the removal of such red dot ? Instead please assign me a green dot like all other members.


    The Ombudsman
    I'm no senior member, but I would guess your red dot to be a feature of the software running this forum. Depending on the number of posts (50,100 etc), it changes.

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  • Rohan99
    10-02 02:21 PM
    I am just trying to make list of people stuck on July 3rd at 9:03 received by R.William. Appears that our box is lost.
    Here is the information I got of people(July 3rd) still waiting

    If there are more plz...added it to list

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  • cjain
    11-01 05:20 PM
    Gurus, experts, malik log...

    Pls. illuminate us on this topic...

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  • joeshmoe
    06-05 10:11 AM
    Is there premium for I485?

    I am not a lawyer but as far as I know there is no Premium for 485. They mentioned they will want to do it at some point in the future but it is not yet available for this application.

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  • TheOmbudsman
    10-25 09:10 PM
    "The market has a way of regulating itself".
    That is probably the most absurd thing said in this forum.

    Purgan, please do some basic research and you will see you are plain wrong. There is no way you will see your dream coming true. Govenment intervention when it comes to regulate the influx of foreign labor is everywhere. It is controlled. You just allow less or more people coming in and that is fair. If you allow the gates of a third world country to open for good and flood this with programmers to a point where you would be making $10/hour, nobody sane wants to get downgraded to that level. Foreigners with a funny accent like us would be competing for jobs. Probably employers would love and exploited people in the third world countries would love that, but I have to tell you things don't work that way.

    Similar polls were conducted by Zogby, CNN, etc. I outlined other evidences there. Only individuals with an open mind can read between the lines though.

    when american's from such third rate schools are not getting jobs, do you seriously think foreigners with their funny accents and relatively poor English communication skills (I'm Indian and can tell you its still a second language to me) can get jobs??

    The market has a way of regulating itself. As someone mentioned above, there were a a lot of H1 space available from 2001-03. But it never got filled because there were simply not enough jobs. Lets not try to set up govenment intervention here....let the free market decide....that is what made this country great.

    btw, NumbersuSA, FAIR and other restrictionist organizations have zero credibility because they oppose even legal immigration.

    That poll....don't impress me much...


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  • GCStatus
    09-13 09:37 PM
    I agree to the point that: we pay for unemployment , SS tax etc when we ourselves are not eligible for any of that if we continue on H1, in fact we are supposed to exit this country when we loose job!!!
    what a joke...
    also did u see this in history:
    when europeans came here abt 500 years back, natives did not welcome them nor liked them. Now legal immigrants are coming , and you know how they are treated!!
    so I guess system is behaving like normal. Its upto us to fight the system...
    by demanding GC , we(for us and our generations) are asking for right to apply for citizenship, ultimately a right on the resource of this country(all resources including natural resource). So there has got to be fight/effort to get it. It will not come just doing what we do for living.

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  • saisujatha123
    05-11 02:35 PM
    What location?
    How and where do we send flowers to obama?


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  • amitjoey
    11-17 03:48 PM
    Lets do this. Please get involved. Please post if you have already sent this email, that will be encouraging for others to do it. Also, We can build a strong momentum if this thread immediately starts running into 100's of pages.

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  • seahawks
    09-23 08:13 PM
    I guess one strategy would be only to file for principal applicants, get green cards, become citizens and then sponsor dependents would be a faster route than waiting through the EB route:) Just kidding.


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  • StarSun
    02-07 08:34 AM
    Thank you members for donating.

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  • reddymjm
    05-01 09:49 AM
    Will try to get 20 more from my colleagues.


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  • Viktor
    07-20 12:01 AM
    I contributed $100 to IV just yesterday, I did not see this post before.

    I think its wrong to let someone bear the burden alone for something thats a shared objective.

    Count me in for the pledge

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  • roseball
    09-10 10:09 AM
    I don't know what this means. This is what it say in the Mumbai website.
    Category India Most Other Countries
    F1 22 July 2003 22 July 2003
    FX 1 March 2003 1 March 2003
    F2A 1 June 2005 1 June 2005
    F2B 22 August 2001 22 August 2001
    F3 15 Janurary 2001 15 Janurary 2001
    F4 15 April 1999 15 April 1999
    E1 Current Current
    E2 22 January 2005 Current
    E3 22 February 2002 1 June 2002
    EW 1 June 2001 1 June 2001
    E4 Current Current
    E4-Religious Current Current

    Either the US Consulate got the EB-3 India date wrong or there was a typo in the Oct Visa Bulletin. I wish/hope there was a typo in the bulletin and Mumbai consulate got it right....Cut Off Dates- Consulate General of the United States Mumbai, India ( it seems they might have copied the date from China column of the visa bulletin...


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  • GreenMe
    07-03 12:30 PM
    My Order # FNM1314755

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  • ramus
    07-07 10:33 PM
    That's the reason I said if we at least get 1000 members then we can ask core members and get their help. members should seriously think if they can make it before they saying yes.. I think even Friday option works as member can take long weekend and spend weekend in DC. We will also get to know all IV members.

    What do you say?

    Are you serious? If people are so much interested in getting a GC and would like to make an impact, a day's work should not be a big deal. Forget the weekend stuff as DC streets have no federal government business on weekends. There are some guys who are willing to drive from NY/NJ/NC.

    Even if we take the poll and lets say 500 people would like to come, that number will become 250 or less as most of us will have last minute issues as usual :p


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  • mnq1979
    09-23 01:52 PM
    Hi mnq1979,
    The application was filed with CSC as all nos., which I have seen, are WAC nos. EAD was issued from CSC on (and I am guessing here) 18th, left from KY (40701) on 20th Sept (according to post mark) and reached my house on the 22nd Sept. If it was India and if the post man had delivered this to me, I would definitely have given him something for "mithaai" :D
    It was only 3 days ago I had got the transfer notice from CSC saying that they had move our cases to TX.
    I got the cards directly as my lawyer had not sent me the application no. yet. There were no notices for EADs.
    More than me, my wife is happy that she wouldn't have to sit around feeling like a "dependent" ;).

    GOD!!! to be honbest with u my situation is same like my wife is also too happy that we have received our receipts # for i485 and that we will soon get our ead she has started tellign me that she has jst # of days left of being dependent on me!!!! man it was fun to have 1 dependent as u can rule her...but now is smeeling freedom...anywaz....hope for the best.....thanx

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  • apnair2002
    06-27 07:09 AM



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  • amitjoey
    11-18 01:38 PM
    In addition to completing the action item, set up an appointment with my Congressman for the week after next to push for this provision.

    As stated by the more experienced folks involved with this initiative, the bottomline is that any action item should be accompanied by a grass roots effort where all our members should meet with the local congressmen/congresswoman to push for our provisions (in this case visa recapture). Coordinated action items and phone campaigns always help but we should not wait for an action item to talk to the lawmaker offices in our local districts.

    You are absolutely right!. Thanks for taking the initiative to talk to your congressman.

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  • Ushakiran
    05-10 01:28 PM
    Apparently, that guy is from ROW, and pretend being an Indian. otherwise, why he does not know India itself is a huge country with so many different languages, cultures, etc? isn't that diverse enough?

    EB based GC should NOT have Quota (.) We are already IN the system. How will it effect diversity. Diversity visa are meant for divesrsity. EB is skill based and only skill should be cared for,

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  • Rohan99
    10-02 04:30 PM
    I took a printout of the receiver's signature image and the tracking information from the Fedex website just in case.
    My attorney also mentioned that he submitted my case to the NSC liaison (I think he is referring to the AILA liaison of the NSC center) for follow up to see if they can help confirm the status of my application.
    I'll keep you posted on the progress.

    Thank you "Lutherpraveen" for info. I will react on this situation after OCT 10th (traveling right now). I will contact my lawyer and see what can be done. Keep posted on whatz happening..

    here is list of July 3rd at 9:03 received by R.William-- If you are still waiting then please add your name


    If we hear nothing then we may have to take collective action. If any of you guys receive RN plz update as ASAP.

    02-18 05:46 PM
    Just did a small bit by contributing $50. Receipt number for this payment is: 2601-6131-2153-7368. Just started up with a new company so cannot guarantee my presence, but will try my best to make it to DC.
    If you will be benefited by “I-485 filing without current priority Date”, please vote YES on the Poll.
    Then please send an email to with subject - "I485 filing without current PD - Impacted Member". Include your 1) IV username 2) Email address 3) Ph#, 4) State of Residence, 5)Priority Date so that grassroot efforts can be coordinated. Please refer to the first post on the thread and use the flier,talk to your friends/colleagues to spread the message.We need all members to get involved

    06-08 12:56 PM
    looks like NSC is not working at all on receipts today.

    How do you know this?