Saturday, July 2, 2011

How To Put On A Condom

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  • tinycondom Finally a Condom

  • acecupid
    07-05 02:02 PM
    Even if AILA loses the lawsuit, it will bring this entire incident to the limelight. The best thing we can expect out of it is media attention which unfortunately is not available to our cause at this time.

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  • so i put a condom on his lock( he put vaseline and now it turns smoothly)

  • vinabath
    04-23 04:38 PM
    This is not a personal advice but general appeal to all would be employers.

    I hope you have researched and understood obligations of an employer.

    By virtue of owning the business and taking 100% of returns, the employer has to assume 100% risk.

    If not on revenue sharing with employee ( 80-20 etc) , the employer has no business of NOT paying on bench. Either the employee is on rolls or has to be advised to take LOA or let go.

    For other unprofessional tactics, there is simply no excuse. Employment is at will. If employers cant deal with that, too bad. They should not be starting the business.

    I have worked with Desi employers who have consistently run on best practices and completely adhering to law of the land. It can be done and the cost of doing that has to be factored into the business plan. If it is too costly as per your financial numbers, then you are not ready for it financially.

    There is moral obligation too. Whenever you hire H-1s make sure most of them have dreams to get GC and settle down. Dont take risks in such a ways their dreams get shattered because of poor business practices. just to hire people dont run in your businesses on losses and in turn force yourself to shut down the business.

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  • Everything from how to put on

  • psk79
    08-21 10:19 AM
    Application received by R.Mickels on 07/02/07 at NSC ( I485/I131/I765), LUD on my I 140 on 07/28/07.My I 140 approved April 06. No receipts/ checks cashed. I m From NY,I think my application transfer to TSC.
    Actually I had problem since my son will be 21 on July 24th, I hope i will get receipt date July 2nd.

    I had a LUD on 7/28 and nothing after that... My I140 approved in Texas in April2006. I think we should get the receipt number here pretty soon...

    2011 so i put a condom on his lock( he put vaseline and now it turns smoothly) How To Put On A Condom. Mir teaches a nerd how to put
  • Mir teaches a nerd how to put

  • man-woman-and-gc
    09-15 03:46 PM
    Thanks to all who have pledged so far for fighting against injustice.

    To those who haven't yet, we are collecting pledges to file a lawsuit against USICS against these random and opaque processing of GC's. Our target is to get 1000 affected people to pledge atlaset $100 each so that we can fund this lawsuit. No money being collected right now..just honest pledges.

    There is a current list of members who have pledged support on the link below.

    If you would like to help in this effort, please send me a private message with the following info:
    1) Ur IV handle
    2) Ph#
    3) Email ID
    4) Amount you would like to pledge.

    Please note, we will move forward only if we have atleast 1000 pledged members to make up a sound force behind this campaign. So unity is the key here. We will not collect money unless we have a solid proof that we are not alone in this fight.


    How To Put On A Condom. How to put on a condom
  • How to put on a condom

  • mnkaushik
    08-26 02:56 PM
    In the SR, was there any timeframe such as wait for 30/60/90 days?

    60 days

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  • way to put on a condom on

  • anzerraja
    07-19 07:43 PM
    I am already advertising this message over and again on the original thread, targetting members, who promised to pay.

    See this message below. Now we will start going into each thread and start informing this message.

    There is a funding drive in this other thread towards reimbursing Aman's expenses.

    Could you please pledge an amount ?

    Also..How can we let other members know that a thread like this exists...


    How To Put On A Condom. Put Your Ad Here With Small
  • Put Your Ad Here With Small

  • simple1
    05-01 03:44 PM
    Honestly, I did not understand jchan's scenario.

    AFIK, none will get affected. Please look for my earlier posts regarding I485 Derivative application pre-requisites.

    I am waiting to hear from IV-core's or forum-attorney�s interpretation.

    Chan is right. If interpretation will start the way you are proposing, it will be sheer disaster for people who didn't file I-485 yet.

    2010 Everything from how to put on How To Put On A Condom. on HOW to put on a condom.
  • on HOW to put on a condom.

  • english_august
    07-09 11:12 AM
    I found this in the one of the forums.. please people contact the report have people hear us.

    Story for the Washington Post


    Hi all,

    I'm a reporter with the Washington Post. If your efforts result in Emilio Gonzalez receiving hundreds of flowers tomorrow, I would very much like to do a story on it. If you're interested in speaking with me and telling me your story and why you've decided to participate in this demonstration, please give me an email or call me. My contact information is below.

    office phone: 202 334 6701

    I just spoke with her. Please call her with your story as well. The more the better.


    How To Put On A Condom. We know how to put on a condom
  • We know how to put on a condom

  • sanjay
    02-14 02:15 PM
    Really? Narendra Modi is great? And thats why he has been banned from visiting USA...WOW


    I did not know that visa to USA is also a certificate of good behavior. Does Modi needs a visa to USA to prove he is good or bad person or vice-versa ?

    Well, every one had choice to be opinionated and I posted what I think think of Narendra Modi. Why, are people so crazy, that they start posting ( BS ) comments with red marks on post.

    Not that I give damn about red color, but remarks and PM are unwanted.

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  • Put your life where your mouth

  • zoooom
    07-20 11:42 AM
    pledging $100
    Thanks a lot...will let you know once all the details are known.


    How To Put On A Condom. the proper way to put on a condom
  • the proper way to put on a condom

  • krcreddy
    07-09 10:42 PM
    I also sent an email to the above list.

    Let's hope we get media attention tomorrow. :confused:

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  • How To Put On Condom

  • Roger Binny
    05-10 01:21 AM
    GC Visa's are per country per year, where as H1's are not per country based, we indians used most H1's and stood in queue for GC's of course there is path so we stood, in fact it is one attraction they used to bring over here, to start with, per country GC visa limit is a poor thought.

    GC quota should be better tied to H1 quota or raise the limit and god knows when did they put the numbers per country GC, before H1b program or after H1b program.

    H1b program allowed hundred's of thousands to come in, in fact which they encouraged i can dare to say and GC visa count is not according to that and they let all these families to stay in limbo or wait forever is not a good sign.

    Irony is majority of these folks are purposed to solve or improve all kinds of problems ranging from improving enterprise's response time from months to minutes or minutes to secs and other kinds improvements, who's families and them selves stuck in a decade long "legal immigration" battle of their life.


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  • Condoms Are Put to the Test

  • BrazilianCitizen
    06-12 06:09 PM
    My attorney is taking his owwwwn time.. Could there be any reasons for this?

    He is usually very prompt and quick to act. But this time, he is taking forever to file my I-485/EAD/AP..

    What's wrong with calling him up and asking?

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  • how to put on a condom

  • waitforgc123
    09-05 09:54 PM
    Mine was received on July 3rd, R Williams 9:03 AM - Still waiting no receipt no cashing of check.

    I will share with you all as soon as I hear of some progress on this front.


    PD - Apr 06


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  • how to put on a condom.

  • bluez25
    07-08 02:12 AM
    Sent...Asked couple of my friends who are not members also to send and they accepted to send the flowers...

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  • “How to put on a Condom.

  • Ramba
    07-09 01:09 PM
    Any suggestions?

    Working on EAD for a short time, even in a different occupation, with 1099 is not an issue. However, this will not satisfy the requirement for 485 approval. You must have a valid fulltime, permanant job offer in the same or related occupation at the time of 485 approval as well as when they issue a RFE regarding your employment.


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  • The hilarious quot;how to put on a

  • JunRN
    10-08 06:29 PM
    I don't believe it must be FIFO...just as what I told in the other forum.

    It must be:

    FIFT - First In, First Touch

    and then;

    FCFO - First Complete, First out

    (Complete: approvable and PD current)

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  • How to Put on a Condom

  • Prashant
    07-03 12:03 PM
    SWEETHEART ROSES .. I need to do it in secrecy then .. close my doors and keep my wife out .. :D

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  • dad teaches son how to put on

  • svinjamur
    07-03 07:25 PM
    EB2 category

    I did not get an approval for the 485 so was thinking what the process was here. Am I not supposed to be getting an approval notice in the email before the "Card Ordered" message came through ? I hope everything is over now, it was a long 51/2 years wait and just when you loose hope in the whole process this message turns up in my Inbox. I love this site and will continue to support it in whatever manner I can

    05-28 02:10 PM
    Subject: Becoming Illegal (good deal)

    (Actual letter from an Iowa resident and sent to his senator)

    The Honorable Tom Harkin
    731 Hart Senate Office Building

    Phone (202) 224 3254
    Washington DC 20510
    Dear Senator Harkin:

    As a native Iowan and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you.

    My primary reason for wishing to change my status from US Citizen to illegal alien stems from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill's provisions is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the United States for five years, all I need to do to become a citizen is to pay a $2,000 fine, and income taxes for three of the last five years. I know a good deal when I see one and I am anxious to get the process started before everyone figures it out.

    Simply put, those of us who have been here legally have had to pay taxes every year so I'm excited about the prospect of avoiding two years of taxes in return for paying a $2,000 fine. Is there any way that I can apply to be illegal retroactively? This would yield an excellent result for me and my family because we paid heavy taxes in 2004 and 2005.

    Additionally, as an illegal alien I could begin using the local emergency room as my primary health care provider. Once I have stopped paying premiums for medical insurance, my accountant figures I could save almost $10,000 a year.

    Another benefit in gaining illegal status would be that my daughter would receive preferential treatment relative to her law school applications, as well as "instate" tuition rates for many colleges throughout the United States for my son.

    Lastly, I understand that illegal status would relieve me of the burden of renewing my driver's license and making those burdensome car insurance premiums. This is very important to me given that I still have college age children driving my car.

    If you would provide me with an outline of the process to become illegal (retroactively if possible) and copies of the necessary forms, I would be most appreciative.

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Your Loyal Constituent,

    <First Name> <Last Name>

    <City>, <State>
    Get your Forms (NOW)!! Call your Internal Revenue Service 1-800-289-1040.

    Please pass this onto your friends so they can save on this great offer!!!!

    06-04 11:18 AM
    I don't know if IV is already doing it But the i think it is Good idea to call into Good Syndycates talk shows and let America hear about our Concerns and the Unfairness in the proposed Bill.

    ex:- Sean Hannity,Bill Orily..
    we should be calling in both the Liberal and conservative talk shows..

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