Monday, July 4, 2011

Natalie Portman Weight Gain After Black Swan

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  • ganguteli
    03-07 01:02 PM
    I don't think people are in reality. We are in an environment that we have to be diligent that they don't make it harder then what it is; rather then making it easier.

    People started playing the devils advocate that if there is quotas on EB then there should also be quota on H-1b; sort of trying to say if there isn't quota on h-1b then there shouldn't be on EB.

    A little while ago; some Indian nationals who were here on H-2 visa to help with re-construcing mississipi and louisiana after hurrican katrina got the bright idea to do a march and go public with their grievances. Their grievances were that they paid $15K to come to USA; they were given poor housing, poor working conditions and they want to get greencards.

    Do you think they got greencards? No; now the law has been changed to not include India as part of H-2 visas.

    Everyone should try to understand the reality that we are in.

    This is exactly what I was saying. People are getting overzealous and are losing their balance. By attracting too much attention when everyone in power is being anti-immigrant you people will hurt everyone. They will impose some more restrictions on us.

    We need to lay low for a while until economy improves and focus on keeping our jobs. That is the need of the hour rather than becoming a hero and trying to go against the wave.

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  • GCKaIntezar
    05-23 12:21 PM
    Emails sent to 2 NJ senators + 10 others Logiclife mentioned.

    Go IV.

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  • psk79
    08-22 10:12 PM
    I got my EAD today...Even i received my EAD also...Mine is sent to NSC on july 2nd...I received EAD's from Texas Center...I think my application was transferred to Texas...I have approved I-140 from Texas...Are receipt numbers for EAD, 485, AP are in serial? I haven't received receipts yet...I filled attorney did not receive my receipts...I don't know what is going on...

    AWESOME !!!! CANT WAIT TO GET OUR DAMN RECEIPTS!!!!!!!!!! GLAD TO SEE THE SECOND CASE OF TExas I140 with NSC I485 filing!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Natalie Portman, No Longer On

  • gc_lover
    07-02 08:52 AM
    Delivered to Lincoln, NE on July 02, 2007 at 7:55AM.
    Signed for by good old Robin Williams. This man would surely suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!

    Robin Williams? Are you sure it didn't go to Hollywood!


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  • Since the History Channel

  • pd052009
    02-10 10:53 AM
    looks like there is some hope for us in 2013 if the elections go well :)
    If we have the same congress that only knows immigration as illegal immigration, the president can not give us any HOPE :(

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  • Natalie Portman of #39;#39;#39;Black

  • Janisaris
    08-24 08:49 PM
    Did you get your reciept yet or checks cashed? Which service center?


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  • Actress Natalie Portman

  • akred
    05-23 03:58 AM
    Sent to 2+10 senators.

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  • rc0878
    09-17 09:44 AM
    Do let us know incase your receipt numbers start with WAC

    My Checks are encased on Saturday 09/15th. My Applications received nebraska on July 20th. Since My I-140 is from Texas, the case transferred to Texas.

    Just Checks are cashed, not yet recieved any Receipt Notices yet.


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  • mundada
    09-10 04:05 PM
    If USCIS cannot recapture lost visas from 1992 to 2008 then can it forward capture the visas from next 30 years and clear the backlog?
    This way the US can have a stated policy of not accepting any EB immigrant from India/China for next 30 years.
    It will also avoid the issue of people retiring doing the same or similar job for 20+ years and without a green card.
    It will prevent one generation from India/China from being fooled into American Dream.

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  • pcs
    03-08 02:15 PM
    This will really help. Simple things like posting on various web site forums about IV will be great


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  • sunnysharma
    06-11 10:21 PM
    Print this up, You should be able to see LIN/WAC numbers clearly..

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  • MeraNaamJoker
    08-27 04:25 PM
    GC comes with a 'sleeve' to keep the card safely. The pouch in the sleeve have special silver lining to prevent 'de-magnetisation' over the period. Please, take due care as its not easy to get replacement.

    I was advised so, at SSA. As I was about to put the card in my wallet (Ya, I went to SSA to update my ssn) gentleman at the window interrupted me. I thought I should share this small tip with IVian fella.

    Good luck to everyone !!

    Thanks buddy,

    What is the procedure to the SSA update?

    My family do not have SSA? I need to apply for them as well.


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  • josecuervo
    08-20 12:02 PM

    Did anyone get their physical Cards without getting CPO message ?

    I have recd the I-797C Approval notice on the 11th but I have not recd the physical cards as yet. BTW I did not get any welcome e-mail or CPO mail - I directly got 485 Approval e-mail and that is all.

    My situation is very similar to yours.
    As per CSR "The cards will be sent to the printer in October". I dont know how far it is true or what to make out of it.
    Probably she is reading a standard call script. God knows...

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  • TeddyKoochu
    09-24 08:34 AM
    my dear friend come back in reality..... to put it least harshly... �khayali pulav banana band karo� (stop day dreaming)
    IV core needs to focus on real issues and obstructions which anti throw our way

    I believe that you dismissed my suggestion even before considering or reading it. Mere bhai mai yaha khayali pulav nahi paka raha (Brother Iam not day dreaming). However if you don't like my suggestion / idea I respect your opinion, peace !

    First and foremost you do not need approval from anti's just some of their achievements are a) Neufiled h1B memo b) higher H1B fees c) Unnecessary RFE's on H1B extensions (Client Letter etc).

    Now coming to the other group Illegal�s they will never support us "Legal�s" thank god the dream act is defeated and I hope CIR with illegal amnesty never sees the light of day. Iam sure you know why EB3-I is languished in 2001 for the last 5 years it was 245I.

    To cut it short anti's and illegal�s will neither ever help or support our causes.

    Coming to IV efforts they are indeed applaudable, however looks like some in the group like to oppose everything.

    1) Allowing everybody to file for 485 if i140 is approved, we have a few who oppose this look at the poll results. Requires change of law.

    2) Recapture won't fly with the agencies they won't accept wasted visas thing that easily. Requires change of law.

    3) Country cap elimination, folks from ROW will be bitterly opposed to it in the name of diversity but the reality is that it is utterly unfair, in fact EB3 ROW is cruising comfortably but they complain about spillover, some of our friends from EB3-I also talk about the spillover rule but they don't realize the fact that all spillover goes to EB3 Row and it will not be current literally even in the next 5 or maybe 10 years because EB3 ROW has steady demand unlike EB2 ROW.

    4) What�s left is excluding dependents from the EB cap, nobody except for illegals and anti's will oppose it. Anyway there seems to be no Cap for Illegal�s and Anti's but one thing is for sure that they are always united.

    Friends once again I wish to say that this is the only unifying idea for the legal immigrant community and this is the way everybody can see green in the next 2 years. No other idea gives green to everybody in a 2 Yr timeframe. I agree it won't fly and requires a change of law but probably its the way to go. I would give all the credit to maverick979 and deepimpact for suggesting this on another blog if I remember correctly.


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  • dudes2006
    11-17 03:59 PM
    Done Thanks ! Also email couple of my friends.

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  • gccovet
    02-10 02:22 PM
    As promised, I am contributing another $25.00 as $1000.00 has crossed. (Cheque has been posted)

    I will again donate another $25 when we cross $2000.00

    Comeon folks, we can do it.

    So far...29 contributions only.....



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  • GCStatus
    09-15 12:21 PM
    I appreciate your spirit, although I don't agree with your belief that you own the thread or the messageboards by the virtue of your creating a thread.

    What I posted was a plea to introspect (more so as the first anniversary of the D.C. rally approaches) - it was in no way dismissive of your efforts, or an effort to ridicule or demean your thread or its spirit.

    Not sure why you felt the need to be rude - being firm and clear about your goals is a sign of leadership, and being blunt may get you some more brownie points. However, brash/rude behavior is not a substitute for that clarity and firmness, imho - particularly with those who may be working towards the same goals as you are (albeit coming at it from a different angle).

    All the best in your endeavors, my friend.


    I dont own anything - Its all WE. Its WE

    Apologizes if it hurt your feelings - Goal is NO negative energy here. Period.

    Please join us in this effort

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  • shortchanged
    08-08 10:20 PM
    Has anyone with approval from 08/01 received welcome letter or card? My husband's I485 was approved on 08/04 but no letter or card yet. Also, mine and my son's cases are still pending, opened SR and will take infopass next week.
    I, wife and son got cards today 8/8/8 in USPS.

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  • 53885
    05-24 01:09 PM
    I guess I am the only one on this thread.

    I guess many are still focussed on evaluating MBS, discussing CIR draft.....
    instead of taking any action.

    Sent emails to 20 more, for a total of 50.

    I sent emails to 10 more senators.

    12-11 10:42 AM
    Provided you bypass those apps that consulting companies line up at the start of the year. This is what Microsoft/Intel etc are trying to counter. They are not getting enough of the H1Bs themselves.

    That is exactly my point. I mean even if the H1B quota DOES increase, is it more harm or good?

    The new H1Bs will go at the back of the line, but atleast a lot of the people here like spouses on h4 might get a fighting chance to get new H1s? Somehow I dont see how an increase in the H1 quota can negatively affect us EB folk. Now dont get me wrong that is NOT all I want and nothing would please me more if the EB quota was increased as well. All I am saying is, let us not totally oppose the H1B increases just because most of us on here already have one. Half of the spouses on here can start working the minute the H1B quota is increased. Moreover stuedents already here can start working and dont have to be at the mercy of the H1b quota to graduate etc.

    03-16 11:09 AM
    They recaptured unused Visas once, somewhere in 1997 I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but that took care of the backlog then.
    The main thing which we are struggling with are the 200K H1B between 1999 & 2001 and one more reason is 245i cases. In the year 2001 Clinton Administration gave Amnesty to Illegals, they were given opportunity to file their 485s with PD of April'2001...Now this is controversial, as I have even asked few lawyers about which categoy they fell in ? Some says 'EB-3' other says 'Other Workers' Category.
    If it is EB-3 you know the answer why the dates haven't passed the big hump of 2001 in last 4 years...
    Good discussion.
    But even if it was 65000, from India, I'm sure most of them took a big slice, lets say 30%= 20,000 H1 visas. And did the 7% quota formula might have existed at that time too. If so, even then there must be quite a big line. Why were things current at any point, they must not be going by these numbers, and even assuming they did the processing without visa losses.

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