Friday, July 1, 2011

Lady Gaga Dress Made Of Meat

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  • Lady Gaga#39;s meat dress is

  • hsingh82
    05-08 03:33 PM
    I think we should protest in front of capitol with placards reading "End Discrimination by National Origin". "USCIS practices Racism", "End Racism in Legal Immigration" "Remove country Caps", "Country Caps = Racism", "Choose Merit, Not Race". We should set up a tent and do a huger strike.

    "End Discrimination by National Origin". "USCIS practices Racism", "End Racism in Legal Immigration" "Remove country Caps", "Country Caps = Racism", "Choose Merit, Not Race".

    I liked these, how about we send copies of our degrees, W-2's (-ssn) and resumes with one of these to Obama to prove the point that we actually are highly skilled people?

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  • Lady Gaga#39;s meat dress goes to

  • user2005
    05-23 04:39 PM
    another reporter contacted me today. so this campaign is working. lets continue this good work.

    A little checklist to encourage other IV members to work on action items.

    1) Funding Drive
    Just made paypal contribution for $100.

    2) Media Drive
    Sent IV press release ( to major Newspapers/Magazines/Television Networks/News Services using AILA site

    3) Email to Senators
    Sent to all senators in list by visiting their sites.

    4) IV Fax

    Will work on (5) Phone Campaign ( as soon as I get chance at work.

    Lady Gaga Dress Made Of Meat. June 15, 2011. In this photo
  • June 15, 2011. In this photo

  • BharatPremi
    11-08 11:47 AM
    Thanks SIRINEME for Sharing your experiance.
    Quick Question though,
    What Happens if you are offered Higher Position then the responsibility listed in Job descirption? For eg. Lots of perople apply for Programmer/Analyst Position and over the years of cumulative experiance he is offered Architect Position.


    In my opinion, This Job code/description related facts ONLY relates to immigration related paper work. In real life , practically one may be handling the load of directing or managing people though for immigration pupose s/he may just be a software engineer or programmer. But in this kind of scenario one has to be extra cautious to have "Software Engineer or programmer" on offer letter till s/he gets done with immigration. Now some companies may prefer to go by book then one may not have a lot of levarage or choice other than performing the things what offer letter says.. And in that case one should not accept the oppertunity of higher skill and/or function inspite of its lucrativeness as to conclude immigration successfully.

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  • Lady Gaga#39;s meat dress called

  • mksusa
    05-23 05:45 PM
    I mad phone calls to each and every senator mentioned in the list as well as to my states senators. Sent emails to all of them.


    Lady Gaga Dress Made Of Meat. Lady Gaga in a beret made of
  • Lady Gaga in a beret made of

  • petepatel
    08-13 07:28 AM
    I just received the email this morning.

    for Spouse only. Pending for the primary applicant yet

    Applied on July 1, Receipt July 3 and Soft LUD July 8:)

    Lady Gaga Dress Made Of Meat. London, May 29 : Lady Gaga,
  • London, May 29 : Lady Gaga,

  • logiclife
    07-06 06:39 PM
    Bay area residents:

    Please begin the process of getting permit from the city to do this in the time-frame and route mentioned. But please move the date to either saturday July 14th or July 21st.

    People wont be able to come tommorow so this must be done July 14th or July 21. Also, the rally should not be about just the July bulletin. It should be about backlogs and numerical caps as the root cause of this mess.

    But do get city permit for around 100 people (that's what I expect will show up in Bay area based on past experience with Gutierrez rally).

    Let's get some attention from CEOs of Oracle, Cisco, Sun and Google and also some attention from Rep. Zoe Lofgren and Nancy Pelosi. There couldnt be a better place than Bay area to do this, especially San Jose.

    Let's do this.


    Lady Gaga Dress Made Of Meat. Lady Gaga Wears Meat
  • Lady Gaga Wears Meat

  • dixie
    12-12 08:04 PM
    Technically, we are applicants for immigrant status who are stuck in non-immigrant status indefinitely. A prospective immigrant is different from one granted legal residency (GC holder). Not sure if it makes a difference or not in the eyes of congressmen.

    GCWaitforever, please make sure if stating that you are an immigrant is acceptable or not; in your letter to Sen. Sessions, I mean...

    2010 June 15, 2011. In this photo Lady Gaga Dress Made Of Meat. lady gaga meat dress
  • lady gaga meat dress

  • chapper
    08-13 04:38 PM
    Congrats! Can you please tell us where your I140 was approved from. Are the checks cashed?

    Rcvd Receipt Notice from my Attorney.

    Filed: July 2nd
    PD: Jan 2006
    I-140 Apporved: Nov 2006
    Receipt Date: 8/10/2007 (Received 8/13 Today)


    Lady Gaga Dress Made Of Meat. Lady Gaga#39;s Meat Dress or
  • Lady Gaga#39;s Meat Dress or

  • ashshah
    12-16 03:55 PM
    Been in the US since 1998, have an EB-2 PD of 2001, have played by the rules all along. Still no GC... And, the dates are going back to 2000 from the new year.. I've lost hopes...

    I'm pretty close to getting clinical depression because of this game played by USCIS, Labor Dept, FBI and my own bad luck.

    SKILL bill, OMNIBUS, etc. comes and goes. IV does seem to be doing things to lobby for the community, but let's face one reality. Like a news article said, no one in congress or senate wants to touch immigration even with a long pole until 2009.

    The US has been very good to me (other than the GC part), more than my home country (India) which is why I'm still here.

    Have invested too much of time in this country to just pack up and go. Just curious if any of you feel this way? How do you handle such depressing feelings?

    Another recommendation is if possible do a landmark forum course. Its a 3 day course but definitely worth doing especially it may help to handle depression of any kind. Its based on a technology and not everyone gets the same benefits. But it does provide you good insights and everyone gets benefited in some way or the other.

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  • Lady Gaga#39;s meat dress becomes

  • metroparknj
    02-15 03:40 PM
    Contributed $100.
    Receipt number for this payment is: 1383-9688-0638-3124


    Lady Gaga Dress Made Of Meat. I#39;m not exactly a Lady Gaga
  • I#39;m not exactly a Lady Gaga

  • summitpointe
    07-20 10:38 AM
    Contributed $100 for hardwork and sincerity

    hot Lady Gaga in a beret made of Lady Gaga Dress Made Of Meat. Bruce Willis Lady Gaga Meat
  • Bruce Willis Lady Gaga Meat

  • summerof98
    06-06 09:34 AM
    Sent I-485 application on May 31st. Received at NSC on June 1 (9.08 a.m.)

    Not received the receipt numbers yet.


    house Lady Gaga wants to work in Lady Gaga Dress Made Of Meat. Lady Gaga, wearing an outfit
  • Lady Gaga, wearing an outfit

  • dtekkedil
    07-09 09:30 AM
    I have read in a few places that we plan to send flowers on 11, and 12th also?

    If that is the case then the document has to be updated to include those dates. Also, I suggest collecting emails and fax numbers and assigning a few people to do the actual "sending". This will make it easier to coordinate.

    tattoo London, May 29 : Lady Gaga, Lady Gaga Dress Made Of Meat. Lady Gaga#39;s meat dress gets a
  • Lady Gaga#39;s meat dress gets a

  • Sachin_Stock
    09-09 11:07 PM
    Eb3-I would move much slower then snail's pace.

    My PD is Jan 04, so I am not sure how many years would it take for my PD to be current. :(


    pictures Lady Gaga Wears Meat Lady Gaga Dress Made Of Meat. Lady Gaga stole the show at
  • Lady Gaga stole the show at

  • manderson
    11-21 12:59 PM
    Mehul, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I don't know the answer to your question but I really hope you will be able to resolve this soon.

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  • pictures lady gaga meat dress

  • deepakjain
    05-08 05:53 PM
    My Apologies if this seems a bit rude to you...

    IV is specific for people those who are awaiting permanent residence...but looking at the recent set of events for those who are not in queue and are new here with just 2-3 years of stay in State....on H1B...

    Following is happening and it has a reason...I know many of my friends who have been denied H1B, L1 extensions ..these are those people who have just started PERM...

    EB2 dates moving to Jan 00 and other not under U, has a specific reason as well; quota is one reason but it is not the only reason in the current state...these is another means to make sure that those who are trying to get GC and other who are trying to stay for 6 years under H1B should be putup into a spot that the thought of leaving this place and ending up back home becomes a reality..

    I am sure out of total 500K awaiting the GC process, will have now atleast a second thought of going back home...H1B and L1 under 6 years are now also being forced to return back....


    makeup Lady Gaga#39;s Meat Dress or Lady Gaga Dress Made Of Meat. Lady Gaga wants to work in
  • Lady Gaga wants to work in

  • karthkc
    04-20 10:24 PM
    hi guyz,

    Here u go. The company name is 3i Infotech Inc. based in NJ.

    Googling the company name brings up some interesting information. The company seems to be well-established and looks like it has some ties to the federal government in terms of clientele..

    I would assess the situation carefully and come up with a strategy before you take further steps...

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  • The dress made of meat worn by

  • beppenyc
    06-21 04:16 PM
    No one thinks this is feasible??
    Is the only hope. Reality is that we have to wait for November and hope that Democrats will gain power at the House. Is important to undestand that only the conservative repubblican are blocking and killing the bill. We have to hope for the Democrats to gain control.

    hairstyles I#39;m not exactly a Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Dress Made Of Meat. We are used to see Lady Gaga
  • We are used to see Lady Gaga

  • Honda
    09-10 12:33 AM
    -with correction
    We all morons and still wont learn, we will still start predicting for next visa bulletin hoping that a reincarnation of god will come and deliver us visa numbers.
    Unless we all make a collective effort no one is going to listen to us. I know the fate of my post, we all will get busy to get our post noted or express our opinion which will definitely solve our problem or proving our point the that "i am right you are wrong" or get busy with "my ideas are better than yours" or "who wins the quote slamming contest".
    We have simply lost our fous of our main problem . I think we deserve this perhaps I think if we continue like this we dont even deserve GCs.[/QUOTE]

    There is nothing change in the next bulletin. What you saw from the last couple of bulletins "Unavailable". That should be happened with in few months. This is my opinion. I am not blaming any body. This is the real situation going on from the last couple of years bulletins.

    07-09 07:35 PM

    This is nice but I feel we should mention briefly about how we inspired from Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy.

    Flowers to Convey Hopes and Concerns of Skilled, Legal Immigrants
    July 9, 2007
    Hundreds of legal, highly-skilled workers, who feel disappointed by the recent "flip-flop" enacted by the Department of State (DoS) and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), with regards to eliminating the Green-Card processing delays, plan to send flowers to the USCIS Director, Emilio Gonzalez as a part of a symbolic and peaceful protest.
    The flowers are scheduled to be delivered to his office at 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington D.C. through various flower vendors.
    July 10th, 2007.
    With this effort, they hope to create awareness about their predicament and express their anguish and frustration at the reversal and the lack of action from the Government. These are the highly skilled workers who have been driving the innovation in the US for many decades and have been living in this country legally and yet, they feel that their issues, concerns and contributions to the economy have largely gone unnoticed.
    There are 140,000 Green cards allocated for highly-skilled workers and their dependents in a fiscal year (unused visas may not be rolled over to the next year). However, due to over-subscription, thousands of highly-skilled workers, including engineers, scientists, MBAs and health care professionals have been waiting patiently for years in order to be eligible to apply for their Green cards.
    On June 13th, 2007, DoS provided a glimmer of hope to these aspiring legal immigrants, by announcing in their visa bulletin that all Employment-based green card applicants and their dependents would be eligible to apply for their Green cards, during the month of July 2007. Following this announcement, most of these future Americans and their sponsoring businesses, began a scramble to compile the documents and complete medical examinations required for their applications. After overcoming several hurdles and enduring hardships, these applicants eagerly waited for July 2, 2007 to send out their applications to the USCIS. However, to their dismay, the DoS, in an unprecedented move, issued an addendum to the visa bulletin, on the very day that the USCIS should have begun accepting their applications, stating that all available visa numbers for the current fiscal year had been used up and that no new applications would be accepted.
    This sudden reversal has resulted in emotional distress and financial losses for these individuals and businesses.
    Now, these highly-skilled professionals have decided to call attention to the "broken" immigration system in the U.S. for legal immigrants, by sending flowers to the USCIS Director, Emilio Gonzalez. They request that the USCIS honor the original visa bulletin and accept applications received through the month of July. In addition, they hope to encourage the U.S. Government to create more fool-proof immigration policies for the forthcoming year or at the least pass a legislation allowing the continual use of unused employment-based immigrant visa numbers from previous years.
    Dilip Tekkedil who came to the US in 1998 for graduate studies and is still waiting for his green card hopes to send a simple message with this campaign � �fix the system�, he says. On various online discussion forums, most skilled, legal immigrants want to send this message to USCIS and more broadly to the US lawmakers � �I understand that your agency does all it can to do the best job. I hope you empathize with a legal immigrant's frustration. A small token of peaceful symbolic act and hoping for the best.�
    Media Contact: This symbolic protest largely grew out of grassroots discussion on various forums on the website hosted by the group Immigration Voice. Some volunteers who work with Immigration Voice have been loosely directing this event.

    This article on the South Asian Journalist Association's forum explains the issues facing skilled, legal professionals in the US.

    Media coverage
    The Wall Street Journal: Reversal Frustrates Green-Card Applicants by MIRIAM JORDAN. July 5, 2007; Page A2
    The New York Times: Suit Planned Over Visas for the Highly Skilled by JULIA PRESTON. July 6, 2007
    The Times Of India: Green Card Hopefuls Resort to Gandhigiri in US by Chidanand Rajghatta. July 7, 2007
    The New York Times: Immigration Malpractice. July 7, 2007

    08-23 01:18 PM
    I came to know my wife's application is pending for finger printing. I was told she will be getting an appointment notice. Should I wait for notice or can we just walk in? I live in NJ and if anyone has had this experience please let me know. Don't want to miss while my PD is still current - Nov 05.

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