Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lady Gaga 15 Years Old

images Lady Gaga is Best Paid Star Lady Gaga 15 Years Old. Lady Gaga | Poker
  • Lady Gaga | Poker

  • atlfp
    05-02 11:14 AM
    This seems to be a backup bill in case CIR fails. Let figure out someway to sink CIR then. :)

    -- removing unnecessay quote...- Moderator

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  • family#39;s 15-year-old tabby

  • johnamit
    08-20 12:12 PM
    Mine is same case except I have no LUD changes so far and no activity either.

    Lady Gaga 15 Years Old. Lady Gaga was taught about sex
  • Lady Gaga was taught about sex

  • johny
    10-10 12:19 PM
    I sent to NSC on Jul 6th. Though EAD,AP have come, No FP yet.

    2011 family#39;s 15-year-old tabby Lady Gaga 15 Years Old. Lady Gaga wears a
  • Lady Gaga wears a

  • sina
    08-26 11:02 AM
    My husband's EAD was approved last week. I filed both the EADs (for me and him) together in July (Receipt Date: July 30th). My application has no LUD so far. His EAD was approved last week. This is just weird. When both the applications were filed together why look at one and not look at the other?


    Lady Gaga 15 Years Old. 15 Years Old, Australia.
  • 15 Years Old, Australia.

  • desi3933
    07-08 03:40 PM
    .........and hence Desi - the answer to your question why H1 does not care for F1 and EAD does not care for H1 and so is not a collective cause - it is just a collection of individual causes - thats all - we would be fooling ourselves if we had some other grandiose visions - calling this group a cause would be the same as calling passengers on a bus one group - they are in the same bus simply because they share a part of their journey - thats it

    Very well put. To the spot.

    You have put nicely what I mentioned in my previous post
    each professional (roadie) is alone and has to look after his own best interests.

    To take it further, roadies form groups (team) to complete tasks, here at IV, immigrants form group to achieve their goals, but ultimately, its everyone's personal quest to be part of this great country.

    But, may I add here, we should remember our past and if we can't help any future immigrant, the least we can do, is to encourage him/her.

    Wishing success to everyone. yes, to everyone who wants to be part of this great country. Just a fine print, everyone who has played by the rules (aka legal immigrants). Undocumented immigrants should wait in line after legal immigrants.

    Afterall, this nation is built by, in part, by immigrants.


    Lady Gaga 15 Years Old. Lady Gaga appearance proves
  • Lady Gaga appearance proves

  • Sri_1975
    08-08 04:53 PM
    Enjoy Freedom..


    Lady Gaga 15 Years Old. violated her 15-year-old
  • violated her 15-year-old

  • vallabhu
    07-20 10:24 AM
    Great going guys. Keep it coming. Yes we can for sure extend this to Monday. The more the better.

    Can some one tell how to cancel 20$ subscription and start 50$ subscription.

    2010 Lady Gaga was taught about sex Lady Gaga 15 Years Old. Lady Gaga is Best Paid Star
  • Lady Gaga is Best Paid Star

  • missourian
    09-26 01:47 PM
    Hi ,
    I have filed to NSC on August 2nd. Reached the cenetr on August 3rd. I see that many plp filed after me got RN's..anyone else in the same situation as me.


    Mine was filed on Aug 1st reached NSC on august 2 nd, No updates yet, called USCIS they asked me to wait for 90 days, I am wondering how other ppl checking the status.


    Lady Gaga 15 Years Old. The 23 year-old singer is
  • The 23 year-old singer is

  • rmdsouza
    06-24 04:21 PM
    100% of anti-immigrant poll questions focus only on the Undocumented. We are only addressed as an afterthought.. mostly in the analysis nowhere else NADA. Here is a sampling of NumbersUSA poll questions..

    Here is a sampling of the questions..

    Public Opinion's goal of reducing annual legal and illegal immigration to more traditional numerical levels enjoys broad based public support. Virtually every major poll that has been conducted in the past decade finds that a majority of Americans support lower immigration numbers. As many of the following polls suggest, what we are for is the same thing a majority of Americans are for. CLICK HERE for our Public Opinion Archive.

    Prefer Lower Numbers

    Sixty-seven percent of Americans approve of the U.S. government deporting illegal immigrants to the country they came from.
    Opinion Research Corporation/Lou Dobbs poll, June 8-11, 2006

    Sixty-seven percent of Americans would you like to see the number of illegal immigrants currently in this country decreased.
    Opinion Research Corporation/Lou Dobbs poll, June 8-11, 2006

    Fifty-seven percent of registered voters believe the illegal immigration situation in the United States is "very serious" and twenty-nine percent believe it is "somewhat serious."
    FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll, May 16-18, 2006

    Fifty-five percent of registered voters "favor" trying to send as many illegal immigrants back to their home countries as possible.
    FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll, May 16-18, 2006

    Seventy-seven percent of Americans think the United States is not doing enough to keep illegal immigrants from coming into this country.
    ABC News/Washington Post Poll, May 11-15, 2006

    Fifty-seven percent of Americans think the May 1, 2006 illegal alien solidarity protests did more to hurt their cause than help.
    NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll, April 21-24, 2006

    Informed that U.S. population is projected to grow to 420 million by 2050, fifty-seven percent of respondents believed that the present U.S. population of 300 million or less would be best for the country in the long run.
    Roper ASW Poll conducted for Negative Population Growth (NPG), April 14-16, 2006

    Six of ten Americans, according to the poll, favor annual immigration (now one million yearly) of less than 600,000 a year. Forty-five percent of respondents favored annual immigration of less than 300,000. Overall, seventy-two percent of respondents favor an annual immigration level that is less than the current one million.
    Roper ASW Poll conducted for Negative Population Growth (NPG), April 14-16, 2006

    Fifty-six percent of Americans agree that a practical way to reduce to near zero the number of resident illegal aliens is legislation making penalties for illegal presence so severe that illegal immigrants would leave voluntarily rather than run the risk of being caught and penalized.
    Roper ASW Poll conducted for Negative Population Growth (NPG), April 14-16, 2006

    They have effectively blocked our goals by muddying the issue of undocumented and legals. To the average Joe on the street.. immigrant == undocumented

    Id like to see how many people will say No to the question " Do you support increase of Green Cards to immigrants already here playing by the rules, paying taxes, Soc Sec etc without benefits, and waiting in line for an average of 6-7 years"

    Hell, quite a few of the poll questions say the "amnesty" is unfair to those people who play by the rules...

    I say.. focus our efforts on us for the time being.. differentiate ourselves from the undocumented..

    hair Lady Gaga wears a Lady Gaga 15 Years Old. Lady Gaga signs autographs
  • Lady Gaga signs autographs

  • ThinkTwice
    07-19 06:59 PM
    Good job Think Twice.. you are putting your money where your mouth is. :D :D :o

    I pledge $200 towards this fund.


    Lady Gaga 15 Years Old. Article. Maria Aragon
  • Article. Maria Aragon

  • shaq
    05-19 01:13 PM
    I am waiting for FP .Even I have called TSC having intention to open SR ,i got the reply all files are up to date and they can not open SR for FP ...Files indicate that FP is complete.(God knows what they mean,whose fingerprint they have on my file) ....I have not given any FP so far except at the PORT of entry .

    Have you received your FP?

    hot 15 Years Old, Australia. Lady Gaga 15 Years Old. Lady Gaga wears a
  • Lady Gaga wears a

  • tonyHK12
    02-10 11:20 AM
    thanks sureshtreddy, dkshitij for your contributions.

    Amount raised = $1800.00
    Contributions needed = $48,200.00


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  • Lady Gaga

  • actaccord
    02-01 12:41 PM
    to create forum like this and get people who complains about India and slowly work on fixing it one by one. Hope our kids get to enjoy without (or with very less) complaints.

    PS: If I want to fix anything, 1st I would work on fixing the education system. My kids will start screaming (bcs of bad experience they had) the moment I say "You will be moved to India school shortly".

    I am from Hyderabad, l left that city in 1999 to do my MS, got my MS, switched a couple of jobs as i thought career growth / job satisfaction was more important than filing a GC, finally my present company filed my GC in 2009 (PD 2009), I am fed up of this laborious process, not everyone can take it, and I am one of them, and as I get older, I am getting more conservative and I find it difficult to adjust here. I am visiting India this year, if everything works out, I will be heading back, even with all the complaints about India, it still is my country of birth, and there is a saying, "Janani Janma bhoomishya swargadapi gariyasi", translated, Mother and motherland are superior to the Heaven.

    tattoo Lady Gaga appearance proves Lady Gaga 15 Years Old. AHN – A Lady Gaga fan
  • AHN – A Lady Gaga fan

  • amitjoey
    11-17 04:40 PM
    Please also send the text by email to the staff you have rapport with at the congressional offices.


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  • has defended the 15 year old

  • archanais
    07-04 06:09 PM
    When I joined Company X (prior employer) I paid for H1b transfer fee and h1b renewal fee(total $3200 + $3000).
    They agreed to sponsor my green card(just to give required paperwork) and they asked me to pay GC cost, So far I have paid $1500 for labor +$1700 advertisement + $1700 for I-140 + $3750 just now to file I-485 for me and for my spouse as dates were current to my lawyer . I have labor and I-140 approved from Company X.

    I was compromising my personal life by staying away from my family and company X didn't find any client near to my home. I decided to stay at home hoping Company X will find some client near to my home. I was on a bench(no salary for a month).When I asked for a "employment letter "to file I-485 Comapny X said they can't give because they are not paying me , I said I will resign and then you give me "future employement letter". I resiged Company X( i found company Y near to my home), in 10 days they cancelled my H1b visa without informing me, gladly I found Company Y and H1b transfer took place before they could cancel my H1b. Company X is reluctant even today to give future emplyement letter.They are ready to do corp-to-corp, forthat have to pay them H1b tranfer cost of $3200(as my prior h1b got cancelled by company X) . I don't beleive its worth going back to them , but at the same time never wanted to lose $8650 green card cost.

    To join Company Y again I paid h1b transfer fee and , company Y expects me to pay Green card cost again. I am on 7th year extension. New H1b is valid till 2010(3 yr extension on I-140 approval from company X).

    Shall I start green card again with company Y ?
    Company X doesn't respond to emails/calls. There should some law to protect us from such employers. BTW Employer X was an american employer and wants to follow book-rules.Example .. informing USCIS to windraw H1b petition.

    :( I am almost in tears.

    dresses Lady Gaga wears a Lady Gaga 15 Years Old. Lady Gaga has said rumors that
  • Lady Gaga has said rumors that

  • factoryman
    06-05 10:20 AM
    The question is: Is he milking you or your your company? LOL and UDD.

    UDD for use due diligence.

    My lawyer will file today under premium processing. I will let you know, if my Lawyer becames a notice.


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  • Nicholas is 15 years old and

  • amslonewolf
    06-12 03:39 PM
    My attorney is taking his owwwwn time.. Could there be any reasons for this?

    He is usually very prompt and quick to act. But this time, he is taking forever to file my I-485/EAD/AP..

    girlfriend AHN – A Lady Gaga fan Lady Gaga 15 Years Old. 18 years old from Germany
  • 18 years old from Germany

  • bhobama
    05-10 09:08 PM
    Quota based on race argument is fallacious. For example, Bangladesh and Pakistan are not limited by the quota. However, they are the of the same ethnic/racial background as people from India.

    The concept of "diversity" by country is a racially motivated law. It does not promote diversity. In fact it limits diversity.

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  • 15 year old teenage Lady GaGa

  • arnet
    05-04 02:55 PM
    what about country limit or quota (hard country limit too)?

    05-12 11:39 AM
    You got it just right. Dear friend, this is the truth for immigrant community. Everyone here stands for their own GC, how can we expect others to fight for you. So as and when USCIS hurts different categories, people come here and form a loosely coupled organization.

    now that eb2 is retrogressed .. eb2 ( not that i have anything against them) are asking everybody including eb3 to contribute , send faxes be Vocal . That is my friend India for you
    it is each one for himself .how many people who got their gc visit this forum , may be a hand full others forget about this forum and move on in life

    05-23 10:25 AM
    Already emailed all the senators in the list.. including faxes to two of my state Senators, FL. Also.. going to call few in the afternoon.

    I hope this works..

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