Saturday, July 2, 2011

Lauren Conrad Ring Name

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  • sanjay
    02-14 02:15 PM
    Really? Narendra Modi is great? And thats why he has been banned from visiting USA...WOW


    I did not know that visa to USA is also a certificate of good behavior. Does Modi needs a visa to USA to prove he is good or bad person or vice-versa ?

    Well, every one had choice to be opinionated and I posted what I think think of Narendra Modi. Why, are people so crazy, that they start posting ( BS ) comments with red marks on post.

    Not that I give damn about red color, but remarks and PM are unwanted.

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  • sanz
    04-16 12:58 PM
    nice work digging old threads

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  • MightyIndian
    04-25 05:49 PM
    Finally received my FP notice today after 7 months. FP appointment on 5/12.

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  • abq_gc
    08-18 01:25 PM

    Lawsuit takes time , energy and substantial money.
    You have to prove harm to the affected party due to the actions of the government.
    It needs a champion.

    then what do u wanna do.. another flower campaign ??? another rally ?? another email campaign ??


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  • pooja_34
    08-31 04:33 PM
    Wow - I'm already shaking in my boots .... Why dont you pm me your contact info and I'll call you and give you mine :)

    note to admins: Please track down the ip address of this person. I'm gonna sue this person and i am dead serious. Please pm me with this person's ip address and i'll make sure i'll take action against him/her.

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  • willwin
    07-28 11:31 AM
    I disagree.
    Why is it not easy to change from EB3 to EB2?
    We have to decide what is important in life for us. Current job/salary/promotion/ status quo or Geeencard?
    If someone wants EB2, they can change their job and apply again. The law does not prohibit that. So stop blaming unfair laws.

    So the only reason why a lot of us are in EB3 is becasue we have chosen to stay with the current employer who pays us well and do not want to take the risk of a new employer. So it is our choice and not injustice. The system allows us options. We cannot want a cake and eat it too. I am also trying to find a new employer to change my job and file in EB2. Everyone is free to do that.

    And stop claiming that you are fit for EB2 but are stuck in EB3. If you are fit for EB2 then why don't you apply in EB2? If you have a masters degree you can find a new job with EB2 that needs a masters degree. Anyone who does not have masters degree then get work experience and change your job to file in EB2. Ultimately we have to decide what we want.

    yes, technically that is possible. But practically it may not be possible for the same reasons you said.

    And to me they are valid. So you are asking some one in EB3 2002 to quit his current job and apply for EB2 because the system is inefficient and cannot grant him GC in 7 years and if tomorrow he does not get under EB2 as well, you will advocate him to file under EB1??

    You are asking to adjust my body size to fit a dress instead of altering the dress itself. Just because the system provides 100 loopholes/opportunities/possibilities, does not mean one has to explore everything to get justice from the system. As I said, not EVERYONE can do that. Nevertheless, it is easy to give advise.


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  • summitpointe
    07-20 10:38 AM
    Contributed $100 for hardwork and sincerity

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  • immigrationvoice1
    03-26 10:23 AM
    Any comment from anyone?

    Wanted to know what the members here think of the probability of receiving RFE from USCIS to find out whether the applicant is still in a "same or similar" job when the time comes to adjudicate cases for for EB3 India.

    I ask this because in a poll conducted in a separate thread, it seems the number of people waiting for their GCs are more with PDs before Dec 2004 than after that date.

    When the dates become current again for these people, do you think USCIS will be sending RFEs to get the employment information for every single of them ? Is there is a percentage from the pending applications that they pick for RFE, assuming all applicants who changed employers DID NOT notify USCIS when they changed jobs OR is it completely up to the whims of the adjudicating officer to send an RFE ?

    There are several people I know who changed employers with EAD, never notified USCIS and got their GCs without any RFE. Trying to understand whether USCIS will think twice before sending RFEs for everyone as the number of applicants waiting with PDs of 2004 and earlier are huge now than ever before. Won't it be too overwhelming for them to issue RFEs to all and manage their responses?


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  • mike_2000_la
    06-11 05:29 PM
    ND = 06/01 and RD = 06/06? how come ND is earlier than RD, when did you send in your application?

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  • gc_peshwa
    11-17 04:45 PM
    Running this thread to thousands of pages alone is not gonna help us. Do you guys have a conference call where I can join and take up some action items?
    IF IV has to throw its might behind this bill we need to:
    -Reach out to ALL lawmakers, target who are susceptible (Sen. Brown from MA for example)
    -Use phone calls (Can we have a mass phone campaign)
    -Radio shows (Do we have a Radio show in Washington DC where IV can get Air time. I am sure lawmakers do listen to Radio shows)
    -Email (what this thread is about right now)


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  • akhilmahajan
    02-09 03:30 PM
    Thanks a lot WaitingForMyGC.

    Grand Total - $463

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.

    IV is I/WE.


    Here is my contribution $20 Deliver Date 02/13

    BofA Transaction Id:8MT05-DR95T

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  • buddyinsd
    08-26 02:52 PM
    In the SR, was there any timeframe such as wait for 30/60/90 days?

    I sent an email to my congressman immigration staffer on Monday, about my spouse's case ( EB2 I, Dec 2005). Got a snail mail yesterday that they did not get a response and are still waitng for a response. Today, i called their office and they said they got a response and the case is assigned to on officer and wait till September 10th. My wife had spoken to 2 tier support on Auguts 5th who said your case is assigned to an officer and you are pre adjucated. We also got a response to our SR created on August 5th, which says case under review. I guess the wait goes on.


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  • nuke
    10-23 02:41 PM
    FYI Lame duck session is going to start on Nov 9th.

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  • msp1976
    05-02 01:18 PM
    I have read many bills in last year and a half. There are a bunch of such bills pending..The problem is that they just stay pending...Unless that gets placed on the senate calender introducing the bill is useless...


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  • dish
    12-10 12:21 PM
    Kennedy, McCain, 2 congressmen meet
    By Jerry Kammer

    December 9, 2006

    WASHINGTON � Two of the most liberal members of Congress met with two of their most conservative colleagues this week to revive immigration legislation that passed the Senate but was throttled by House Republican leaders who resisted its attempt to grant citizenship to illegal immigrants.

    Sen. Edward Kennedy
    �The plan is to bring the bill up in late winter,� said Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., a conservative stalwart who attended the meeting in the office of Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass. The other participants were Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill.

    The strategy session Wednesday came amid speculation about how the dynamics of the immigration debate might change, if at all, when Democrats take control of the House and Senate next month.

    Flake said that Kennedy, who will be chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee's immigration subcommittee, wants to let the new Congress deal first with issues such as the war in Iraq and proposals to raise the minimum wage.

    �Then he'll be ready to go� with a new version of the bill that the Senate approved in April.

    Sen. John McCain
    Republicans ran the show in both houses of Congress then, and passionate divisions in their ranks over immigration policy became a dominant feature of the debate. Democrats, particularly in the House, were mostly content to sit back and enjoy the stalemate, even as they campaigned against the �do-nothing Republican Congress.�

    Now Democrats face the hazards of immigration politics.

    Immigration-law changes are conspicuously absent from the legislative agenda laid out by incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Observers here say it will be difficult for Pelosi, D-San Francisco, to honor her campaign-season pledge to work for a new comprehensive immigration law without splitting a caucus that includes freshly elected Democrats who vowed to secure the border and crack down on illegal immigration.

    The November midterm elections seemed to send mixed messages.

    Rep. Luis Gutierrez
    In a cliffhanger contest, Arizona Rep. J.D. Hayworth, a conservative Republican and strident foe of illegal immigration, was defeated by Democrat Harry Mitchell.

    Immigration advocates such as Ben Johnson of the Immigration Policy Center say Hayworth's defeat showed that immigration �did not turn out to be the firebrand issue that some people thought it could be.�

    But immigration restrictionists point out that Mitchell made getting tough on immigration the centerpiece of his campaign. They also say Mitchell cleverly used the issue against Hayworth, saying his Republican opponent was part of a political regime that wasn't competent enough to stop the hundreds of thousands of immigrants that sweep across Arizona's southern border each year.

    While Mitchell said he favored legal status for long-established immigrants, he insisted that immigration policy can be fixed only by �members of Congress who are willing to enforce the law, produce real immigration reform and stop playing politics with the issue.�

    Rep. Jeff Flake
    That enforcement-heavy approach is fine with immigration advocates as long as it is part of a package that provides permanent legal status to those who are beckoned across the border by agriculture, restaurant, construction, landscaping and janitorial jobs. The number of illegal immigrants in the United States is estimated to be at least 11 million.

    Immigrant-rights advocates, along with their allies at the National Chamber of Commerce and other business organizations, also support a proposal to provide hundreds of thousands of low-wage workers every year for employers who demonstrate that they are unable to find Americans to fill the slots.

    While McCain and Kennedy describe this as a �temporary-worker program,� the legislation they sponsored would put the workers on a path to citizenship.

    At a time of anxiety about the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs, the McCain-Kennedy bill's efforts to import low-wage labor has drawn the anger of critics across the political spectrum. That is why Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies, which advocates immigration restrictions, predicts Pelosi will be reluctant to get behind a proposal that could endanger the new Democratic majority.

    �Nancy Pelosi knows the Democrats are on probation for the next two years,� Krikorian said.

    He predicted that Pelosi would back less ambitious immigration change, such as a plan to provide legal status to undocumented students, rather than take on the explosive issue of mass legalization, which critics condemn as an amnesty that would spawn more illegal immigration.

    But Frank Sharry, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, which advocates for immigrant rights, argues that next year will be pivotal because of the presidential race that follows.

    �I think that once we hit primary (election) season, controversial issues get a lot harder to do,� Sharry said. �Everybody I talk to says 2007 is the window of opportunity.�

    Pelosi was noncommittal this week on whether the House would take up immigration legislation. She sought to deflect some of the responsibility to the White House, suggesting that she expects President Bush to offer more specifics than his call to �match willing worker with willing employer.�

    �That's up to the president,� Pelosi said. �We want to work closely with him because it has to be comprehensive and bipartisan.�

    President Bush's political advisers, meanwhile, have acknowledged that revamping immigration law may be necessary to shore up sagging support for Republicans among Hispanics, the nation's fastest-growing ethnic group. Republicans received just 30 percent of the Hispanic vote this year, down from 44 percent in 2004.

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  • akhilmahajan
    02-09 04:24 PM
    Thanks a lot vineet.

    Grand Total - $554

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.

    IV is I/WE.



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  • buddyinsd
    08-20 01:30 PM
    Thanx to Libra, skidude, vkrishn, gkattalu, bindoke, andycool ....

    I feel much better. These are trying times for sure.

    Loads of work at the office, moving from one city to another and above all...this frustrating wait --- Its 2 much 2 handle. But I'm with u guyz...I think I shud just STFU N wait.

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  • pooja_34
    08-31 01:29 PM
    How am I being a racist? I'm just pointing out the fact that North and South Indians belong to different races and USCIS should stop clubbing them together.

    Stop being a racist. Even if it was intended to be a joke...its a sick one for sure.

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  • caydee
    05-23 06:33 PM
    Any reason why we arent considering the 2008 presidential candidates in our email campaign?

    07-09 06:47 PM

    Now we should let the media know . Walter Reed ! could not ask for a better place. The Patient and soldier deserve it . My heart goes to them as an RN.

    01-06 03:03 PM

    Just wanted to give you an update on my FP notice. Finally I got FP notice today schedule for 01/29/08. I guess Infopass appointment works. I had infopass appointment on 21st of Dec 2007 and IO told me I should expect FP within 3 weeks . I guess USCIS has started working after a long break. Hang on guys.


    COngrats!. Looks like yours is in TSC. Good to see someone from TSC getting it. It could very well have been a result of you taking the infopass appointment.

    Could you tell us briefly what did you tell or ask IO during InfoPass appt. Did you also tell them that you had opened an SR and did you show them the SR response letter also.

    Eager to hear a little detail about the conversation you had with IO during Infopass appointment.

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