Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • BEC_fog
    07-04 12:13 PM
    Could someone please post the article here?

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  • arrarrgee
    07-13 11:57 AM
    my question too...why not wait till the announcement? :confused:

    kinda confused here..
    why do we need the rally.. if there is going to be some new that will resolve the issues?
    If its going to leave some issues unresolved.. the we need this.
    Go IV!!

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  • vxg
    10-17 03:02 PM
    I have applied for my EAD and I-485 in the month of June '07 and all that i have recieved so far is my wife's EAD. I still did not recieve my EAD nor the finger prints notice nor the 485 yet. I have to move to IL from TX now and i am in a big confusion now. I heard that the mails from the USICS will not be forwarded to any new address by the USPS. If i would want to change my address with the USCIS now will it be a good move or is there any other alternative that you all could suggest me...Please advice me on this issue and help me out of this situation.


    You can actually call IO at USCIS and get address updated if you are in the system.

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  • pappu
    02-11 10:26 AM

    Legislation is being prepared by U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) that would make it easier to get permanent residency or Green Cards for advance degree graduates. Lofgren, who represents Silicon Valley, has not introduced her proposal, but she is a veteran of immigration issues.

    Previous efforts by Lofgren have attempted to make it easier for foreign students who earn advance degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, the so-called STEM degrees, to remain in the U.S. Her latest proposal is broader.

    Among the things Lofgren may seek to accomplish in this bill is to create a new Green Card category for advanced degree graduates with STEM degrees, and to enable employers to file immigrant petitions for any of these students, eliminating the need for an H-1B visa for these employers. Out of the 85,000 H-1B visas allowed each year, 20,000 are set aside for STEM graduates.

    U.S. Rep Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) introduced something similar last month. But Lofgren's proposal may go further by seeking protections for U.S. workers by barring their displacement by an H-1B worker, a move that may be aimed at firms that primarily deliver offshore services.

    Link (

    Looks like the news is out on this in media.
    Immigration Voice has been aware of this and actively working on it for last 3 weeks. This had been also posted on the donor forums. Core members and several key IV volunteers/ donors already have been working on it and analyzing it. We also had been asked for our recommendations and had send our recommendations. We should see this bill introduced soon in a few days.


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  • GCNirvana007
    04-08 05:23 PM
    This is unreal !!.

    I just asked 2 basic questions AND i get reply completely irrelevant of those questions and i am the one who is being accused.

    By the way, Gangutoleogleoddl or whatever - No , absolutely no time to reply to your irrelevant talk. Infact its a waste to read your post.

    Reddog, GCPool - hats off to you guys staying sane over here.

    Good luck everybody.

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  • EndlessWait
    05-01 12:09 PM
    If old I-140 has not been revoked, you are entitled to the old PD.
    8 CFR 204.5
    (e) Retention of section 203(b)(1) , (2) , or (3) priority date. -- A petition approved on behalf of an alien under sections 203(b)(1), (2), or (3) of the Act accords the alien the priority date of the approved petition for any subsequently filed petition for any classification under sections 203(b)(1), (2), or (3) of the Act for which the alien may qualify. In the event that the alien is the beneficiary of multiple petitions under sections 203(b)(1), (2), or (3) of the Act, the alien shall be entitled to the earliest priority date. A petition revoked under sections 204(e) or 205 of the Act will not confer a priority date, nor will any priority date be established as a result of a denied petition. A priority date is not transferable to another alien.
    it it was not fraudulent.. that's what my lawyer told me


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  • Lucky7
    12-04 09:22 PM
    [QUOTE=GCwaitforever]That is somewhat slavish mentality. For a different perspective ... In the words of Curt Flood, "A well-paid slave is nonetheless a slave".

    I think you hit the nail on the head GC,even though i get paid very nicely i honestly feel like a slave every single day for the past 6 yrs.
    The last job i had to turn down was with a fortune 100 company and would have got to work on retrofit work on the Petronas Towers,every Architects dream, but had to turn it down because i cant travel till i get my GC cleared.
    As far as a lawsuit i think if DOL does not clear all cases by end of 2007 all people affected should donate $300 towards a class action lawsuit,people who can afford more should donate more obviously,and even if it does not achieve much at least it would get pulblic attention.

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  • kewlchap
    09-09 01:17 AM
    Hi greencard_fever,

    How did you open a SR for your wife's case (which had an RFE)? I responded to an RFE and they say that I have to wait 60 days before opening an SR. Please let me know.


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  • a_yaja
    01-08 07:53 PM
    He can send the I-94 to the nearest consulate by mail and a brief letter with all the details.
    Embassies do not handle these matters. Departure and arrival records are maintained by Customs and Border Patrol (CBP). Here is the link for instructions on what to do if you did not surrender the I-94: 3Jvd19jbnQ9OCZwX3Byb2RzPTAmcF9jYXRzPTAmcF9wdj0mcF9 jdj0mcF9zZWFyY2hfdHlwZT1hbnN3ZXJzLnNlYXJjaF9ubCZwX 3BhZ2U9MSZwX3NlYXJjaF90ZXh0PUktOTQ*&p_li=&p_topview=1

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  • seba
    09-24 03:29 PM
    GreenTech, that's a good question. I am considering to transfer to offices in Asia or Europe next year and then attend B-school in the US after 2 years. That way, once I graduate, I will also at least have the option to get another 6-year H1 in the US.

    thepaew, thanks for the advice. I have been thinking about this for a while, and my options are:

    1) Start the GC process now and wait until I get the GC. Then think about B-school after I get the GC (I am not interested in part-time programs).
    2) Forget the GC process and transfer to Europe or Asia next year and then attend B-school in the US after a few years.

    Personally for me, having an MBA in 5 years is more valuable than having a GC in 5 years, so I am leaning towards option 2 above. However, if I don't get into B-school, then that's another story... I would probably transfer back to the US on L1 and start the GC process. At that point, I would apply under EB2 anyway with my Bachelor's and 5+ years experience.

    Thanks again everyone for the replies and advice. And yes, of course you are not lawyers, but your help is still very useful. During my H1 renewal process, I got more useful info from here than from my company's lawyer!


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  • Appu
    04-17 06:13 PM
    This is no big deal. This has nothing to do with H1B's - its about CIR and minimum wage. Remember that Sen Kennedy is 100% behind the SJC and the Hagel-Martinez bills. Here's the email with additional details - I didn't post this before because it is somewhat partisan and attacks republicans.

    Dear [Appu],

    As you may have seen and heard in news reports, Senator Kennedy has been at the forefront of immigration reform. He's built a bipartisan coalition around a tough but fair approach to repairing our broken immigration system.

    On Monday hundreds of thousands of people in cities across the country joined together in a "National Day of Action for Immigrant Justice." In our nation's capital, more than 200,000 people gathered on the Mall. It was an amazing event, and the crowd went wild when Senator Kennedy took the stage and said "It is time for Americans to lift their voices now -- in pride for our immigrant past and in pride for our immigrant future. Are you with me?"

    Judging by the roar of the crowd, they are indeed with Senator Kennedy. Now you have a chance to show your support for this important measure -- and join the fight for justice for all working Americans:

    The facts are clear: 63% of Americans believe that immigrants who have lived in the country for a certain period of time should be able to go through the process of obtaining citizenship. But the out-of-touch Republican Congress wants instead to turn these would-be citizens into criminals. And any American who assists them in any way, even priests, would become criminals too.

    Republican leaders claim tough enforcement is all that's needed. That's preposterous. Senator Kennedy supports strong enforcement, too, but fairness is equally important.

    Republicans claim they value hard work. Where have they been during Senator Kennedy's efforts to raise the minimum wage for millions of hard-working Americans? What have they done to ensure every American worker has access to good health care? How have they protected Social Security for retired American workers?

    Enough is enough. Will you join us and fight to ensure that our country values hard work? Please answer with your signature:

    This year, more than 45,000 of you endorsed Senate Resolution 350, rejecting President Bush's assertion that he was authorized to spy on Americans without a warrant. You also stood with Senator Kennedy to fight for stem cell research that holds such great promise for millions suffering from debilitating diseases.

    We can't keep ignoring the worsening hardship for our nation's hardest working men and women. I hope you'll tell Senator Kennedy loud and clear you stand with him in this ongoing battle for all working families:

    Yours for a stronger and fairer America,

    Marty Walsh
    Campaign Manager
    Kennedy for Senate

    P.S. The full text of Senator Kennedy's speech at the immigration rally is on our website -- I hope you enjoy it:

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  • immi_seeker
    07-12 11:57 PM

    Just wanted to know about your EAD: Which Center you have applied ? NSC/TSC. What date they have received. My EAD Renewal is pending, and I wish to change job. :confused:

    Appreciate your reply. Anyways, You should not be worrying too much on EAD, as your PD is current now, and youshoudlget the Card in coming months. :)


    Center is NSC. They recieved the Application on june 19th


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  • vroapp
    08-07 08:05 AM
    I'm afraid I can't help you with your application but Congrats! on getting married, i.e... :-)

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  • GCard_Dream
    07-13 04:37 PM
    This is one of the most funniest post I have seen today. Great job. You should send this classification to USCIS and ask them to process cases based on the number and color of dots each member has. Forget about EB1, EB2, and EB3. :D

    Well.. the good news is that according your classification, no one is being deported or is a criminal. That's a relief. :D

    By the way, I gave you a reputation point and now you are up to 2 green dots. You'll get your GC faster now. CONGRATULATIONS!

    The software has an AI program that determines how likely you are to get a GC based on the info that you gave while registering and shows the square accordingly. So if you have

    one green sqaure you will get it in 4-6 years
    two green squares means 2-4 years
    one red square means that your name is stuck in FBI name check and could take 6-8 years
    two red squares means your deportation hearing is coming up any time now
    three red squares means you are a most wanted criminal :D :D

    Actually the square colors are determined by the judgment calls made fellow members. You can make this call by clicking on the weight scale image above each post. Now if only you would give me a favorable vote for explaining this in detail.:)


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  • md_alien
    06-22 11:55 AM
    Skin test is mandatory unless you provide proof to the USCIS civil surgeon that you have done skin test in the past and the results were "POSITIVE"

    As per my doc, if one has a "POSITIVE" skin reaction to PPD test, they should never take the skin test again as there is a danger of severe inflammation.

    Another point to note is that if the reaction to PPD is over 10mm (even if X-Ray is negative) USCIS might want documentation to prove that you have been evaluated by the State's Public Health Dept and undergoing treatment. This is my personal experience as I had 16mm reaction to PPD. I have a copy of the RFE and can upload a scan if it benefits the community in general.

    In US, a positive skin test result is interpreted as the person having had exposure to Tuberculin bacteria in the past which are lying dorman in his/her lungs. They will want to start a 4 mnth antibiotic treatment to eliminate the dormant bacteria. I'm currently on the course, 2 pills a day, although I had negative X-Ray. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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  • gsc999
    06-26 12:41 PM
    Lou Doubs live on CSPAN Live from National Press Club in Washington D.C. :rolleyes:
    This surely is a desperate measure on Lou's part.

    Lou, as expected, bashing the passage of cloture. Says amendments haven't been distributed among the Senators. Says, strong possibility of passage in the Senate. Doubs uses his regular tool of fear, says common Americans should be concerned by this.


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  • gc_kaavaali
    06-14 02:04 PM
    Do not worry too much if your sister is innocent. Tell your family and sisters also. Keep faith. Investigation will be honest. Nothing will impact (including GC) if your sister is innocent.

    Hi Friends,
    This is first time I am posting this topic here. Please excuse me if this is wrong post or question at this time.

    Today my sister got a phone call from a Detective saying that she is suspecting on Jewelery theft from a neighborhood. We shocked for getting that type of call. The person who complainted is close to my family. He is also Indian and from same region. Recently he moved from my city. He lost couple of jewelery items this year.

    My sister is very good and try to help most of the people nearby. The detective said that investigation is going on for this issue. We are so worrying on this issue.
    We know she is genuine and did not do anything but my question is any problem in green card process?.

    How to prove my sister is not commited such kind of activity. Please try to help me on this


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  • alterego
    12-10 07:00 PM
    I wonder how it is they justify over 70K visas to EB2ROW, keeping it current all year, when EB2 I was so retrogressed and got only 15K. FIFO my foot. This is the most mismanaged, subjective thing I have ever seen. Translated for us, luck of the draw.

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  • bergotti
    08-23 05:27 PM
    Is this category seen as one or is it split into many countries and if so how do you find out about a particular country within ROW?


    04-21 12:46 PM
    I will be relocating to Houston soon. I am new to the area. I would really appreciate if you can give your inputs on good neighborhoods, cost of living, etc.


    PM me.

    09-20 10:33 PM
    What is GC?
    What is it anyway?

    If it is philosophical question, then it is something which takes away couple of years of life of some of those people born in India and China (wait and wait and wait and ...), who want to have it. In return it frees them from bond of slavery.

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