Tuesday, June 28, 2011

wwe superstars batista

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  • Wwe Superstar Batista

  • Siddharta
    03-23 06:31 PM
    ...... because my AOS got filed last year, I made the decision to let go of my canadian GC.

    How did you let go of it. Did you have to tell the canadian consulate and send in your passport for them to remove your visa. I will be hitting the 3 year mark end of this year.

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  • WWE Superstar Batista

  • eers
    07-09 10:55 PM
    may be some one can draft a news and post at wiki news


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  • WWE Superstar BATISTA

  • bobby
    07-09 11:56 AM
    So it's the day before the flowers will be delivered and let's make the most out of this story. Here are the links to the press release to use

    PDF version (http://www.touchdownusa.org/pdf/USCISFlowerCampaign.pdf) that can be sent as an attachment.
    HTML version (http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=ap9x7pmvk6s_32c3khvg) that can be copy-pasted as text of the email.Most news organizations have dedicated reporters to cover immigration issues; so our first contact should be with them, since they'd be most interested in this story. Contact the writers of any immigration related stories that you've read recently - contact either by phone, or by email. If you are contacting by email here are a few helpful tips

    Make sure that title/information of that person's most recent article is used in the subject line. Something like, 'Follow up to Green Card Woes in WSJ'
    Refer to the article in the body of your email. For example
    You recently wrote about the frustrations of green card applicants due to a reversal by the USCIS (Wall Street Journal - July 5, 2007 - 'Reversal Frustrates Green Card Applicants'). I am one of those skilled, legal applicants and we are planning to protest against this decision the USCIS in a unique and peaceful manner - by sending hundreds, if not thousands of flower bouquets to the director of USCIS, Mr. Gonzalez on July 10th.
    After this, you can say that please refer to the attached press release for more information
    Wrap up your email with something like, "This is probably the first time when skilled, legal professionals are participating in an event like this at this scale and it goes to show the level of anxiety in the community right now. Would you be willing to write about this event as a follow-up to your previous article?"
    There is no harm in giving your contact number to let the reporter know that you can be contacted for any follow-up questions.
    Other things that we can do to create a buzz around it is to talk about it in blogs, various forums etc., specially if you are a blogger. Already, if you search USCIS+Flowers in Technorati, there are a good number of hits - we should try and increase them.

    Call up your local public radio station and tell them about this event (http://www.npr.org/stations/)

    Any other ideas regarding increasing the visibility of this campaign should be posted on this thread.

    Posted on Bender's Immigration Bulletin http://www.bibdaily.com/

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  • Handsome WWE Superstar Batista

  • EndlessWait
    04-16 12:07 PM
    after filing 485. is it complicated?


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  • Tags: WWE, SuperStar, Batista

  • gccovet
    02-09 02:10 PM
    We if collect $1000.00 by the end of the day, I will contribute another $21.00 today itself. Less then $700.00 to go...

    Keep it going.....


    wwe superstars batista. WWE Superstar Batista Picture
  • WWE Superstar Batista Picture

  • nk2006
    02-11 11:39 AM
    Sent the check for $25 to the address provided by Akhil in the first post.
    Thanks for the effort.


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  • Batista Dave wwe superstar

  • indyanguy
    10-03 02:43 PM
    Thanks for the reply.

    I had trouble finding the memo from Dec 2005. Can you please link it?

    Thanks again

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  • The Batista wwe superstar

  • belmontboy
    02-10 12:14 AM
    very childish!!!how old are you ?

    Is this the best you got??
    C'mon kiddo


    wwe superstars batista. WWE Superstar Batista and Diva
  • WWE Superstar Batista and Diva

  • hi_sunny74
    09-17 09:34 AM
    My Checks are encased on Saturday 09/15th. My Applications received nebraska on July 20th. Since My I-140 is from Texas, the case transferred to Texas.

    Just Checks are cashed, not yet recieved any Receipt Notices yet.

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  • Photos of Batista are below,

  • ameryki
    09-30 07:59 PM
    see my signature, no receipts till date money order not cashed, Called USCIS got an answer.... "Not yet in the System", but IO told me there is a big junk of files and it will be processed in next 30 or 40 days.

    Venkat, if you are sure your check got cashed please contact USCIS they will provide you receipts

    how do you track if the money order was cashed?


    wwe superstars batista. WWE Superstar Batista Victory
  • WWE Superstar Batista Victory

  • prashanthg
    09-17 02:01 PM

    Friends - I have self respect and i wasn't born chanting Green Card. I AM going to face them, confront them, demand them to provide justice, if not I want them to REFUND every penny i have paid so far. If this "I AM" becomes "WE", half the battle won. TOGETHER WE STAND, VICTORY/JUSTICE FOR ALL. If you are still hesitant, you made a bad choice of choosing option 2. Please go back to option 1.


    As an employee, Except for the 485 filing, you are not supposed to pay for anything for the GC. The company that sponsers you pays for all that.
    It is illigal for an employee to pay for the GC process.

    I am not sure what you are trying to get. Are you going to write a letter to USCIS that you commited an illigal act? And you want to involve bunch of people along with you?

    I am utterly confused here.

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  • Ex-WWE superstar quot;Batistaquot;

  • anzerraja
    07-20 12:22 AM
    Sam ,

    10 to 20 is too low.

    We are going to target for the entire 640(with $100 each) genuine guys. Comon, Good people like you are not that hard to find in IV.


    good goin guys

    lets shoot for 10-20 pledges tomorow

    Comon show that we care for the Core team


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  • Batista out on a date.

  • coldcloud
    11-17 07:08 PM

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  • Wallpaper of WWE Superstar

  • SunnySurya
    08-18 01:59 PM
    What we are asking is just fairness and transparency in the system.

    Though I will benifit if the OP's idea succeeds. I agree with eb3_nepa. We need to do something that will help everyone. Its not fair to seek relief to only some section of the community.


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  • WWE, WWE Superstars

  • jonty_11
    07-28 12:07 PM
    It is great to see human nature at work. Once united and making phone calls for the 3 lofgren Bills...the same folks are mulling it out over EB2, EB3 and how most of the folks dont even deserve to be either....Interesting fodder for Anti Immi folks.....
    W/o demand there is no supply or acceptance of Foriegn nationals in an alien land. Obviously there are some that abuse teh system...
    But that is not the intention of IV to solve for rooting the abusers out. Its the USCIS's job to do that. Like they abolished the Subs labor process.....they may as well make EB1, 2 and 3 more restrictive they actually did make EB2 more restrictive when PERM was launched...

    So lets all concentrate on what our role in this whole mess is..that is to support IV wholeheartedly...Please focus on the big picture and enjoy life!!!!!!!!!

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  • sledge_hammer
    02-12 01:03 PM
    I said "high standards" not "high moral standards" in my first sentence. I can point you to some of your posts when you use 'foul' language even when not attacked.
    In that case I have to ask you this - what makes you think I am "imposing" (whatever THAT means) high standards on myself? Were you trying to shoot down my arguments by false accusations? I am maintaining the same "standard" as the next guy.

    Allow me to quote your earlier post "I came to this country with the intention of studying and then working,"....sounded like you had the intention of studying and then working before you headed out here. freudian slip ??? :)
    If you read my previous post with attention, you'll see that I have said I did not convey my intentions clearly. So again, if you're simply trying to shoot down what ever I am saying, well, I really can't stop you. You can keep going back to the same topic over and over again, but it will not prove your accusations!


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  • ThinkTwice
    07-19 07:00 PM

    count me in also ....

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  • of wwe superstar Batista

  • gondalguru
    08-06 11:18 PM
    My Wife's & my AP expires on 11/16/2008 and she is coming back to the States from India on Sep 9th 2008, I'm assuming her I94 would be only issued till 11/16/2008. We are then planning to apply for EAD/AP renewal , that is, after Sep 9th 2008 and my question is what is she doesn't get her renewed AP approved before 11/16/2007 (which again I'm assuming would be the date on I94 valifity) and would that make her out of status? I hope this helps

    Most likely her I-94 will be stamped for one year. As long as her I-485 is pending she will not be out of status.

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  • r_mistry
    02-05 05:00 PM

    I landed in July 06 in Toronto. Received my PR cards etc and then moved back to US and since then have not visited Canada.

    Does anybody know how long one can stay out of Canada after landing? I heard some where its 2 years and some say its 3 years from the date you land.

    Can somebody please clairfy that? or have any official ruling on that?



    Filed I-485/EAD/AP - July 24th, 2007 - NSC
    PD - Oct, 2005 - EB3 - ROW
    I-140 approved - Dec 2006
    EAD received - Oct, 07
    FP done
    AP - Wife's AP approved Jan 21st, 2008 - Self Pending
    LUDS on I-140/I-485 in November and Early December (These LUDS are in addition to LUDS on I-485 when FP was done)

    09-14 02:32 PM
    GC Status:

    I am seeing that reedandbamboo is considering for EB2 only. We have to include EB3 too for law-suit. I beleive that we will have more than 1000 people if we inlcude all categories.

    I will give 200$( 100$ for me and 100 $ for my wife)

    Its for EVERYONE - Read my original description

    03-10 01:48 PM
    what makes you think i am sitting at home waiting for the gc?

    my post was in response to Sayantan's post - go back and read what he said.

    The waiter is waiting at the restaurant table for five years. You are waiting at home (for a GC). Who is better?

    Anyway, you are mixing two different issues. The Nepali guy came to the US on diversity grounds (no matter what his education is). US law promotes diversity, meaning faces from all over the world. Family and Employment are other two categories. In EB category, of course, higher education stands higher priority. Family and Diversity are diffrent categories with criteria.

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