Wednesday, June 29, 2011

dodge durango 2011

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  • 2011 Dodge Durango Citadel

  • hiUS
    09-03 02:52 PM
    Hi hiUS

    Thanks for noticing I have corrected my info pass date.

    did you took info pass appointment.

    I did not take till now. I thought of waiting for at least a week more as the content in the notice I received says that ' If I don't receive any other notice regarding Biometrics or Card within 90 days I need to call them'.

    As you took it already, please do share your experience after you are done with it.

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  • 2011 Dodge Durango

  • WantGreen
    08-31 01:48 PM
    How am I being a racist? I'm just pointing out the fact that North and South Indians belong to different races and USCIS should stop clubbing them together.

    oh come on...Can't you see what a racist you are? I cannot believe someone can even think like this!!!!!!!!!!!

    SO SICK.....

    dodge durango 2011. Dodge Durango 2011 1024x768
  • Dodge Durango 2011 1024x768

  • anilsal
    11-21 07:10 PM
    Hi Mehul, i'm really sorry to hear your situation. I was researching some stuff & since you are from Fiji & with the political unrest in your home country, can you take political asylum since you were kinda forced to leave the country. I mean everyone knows about the coup that took place in your country. below is a link that gives you more information on Political Asylum maybe this would expedite the process for you.

    Let me know if i can help you in any other way!!!


    This is another avenue. I do not think it is based on country of birth, I mean Asylum.

    2011 2011 Dodge Durango dodge durango 2011. This 2011 Dodge Durango
  • This 2011 Dodge Durango

  • sangmami
    07-02 08:49 AM
    mine at local fedex facility at 8.05am at nebraska


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  • 2011 Dodge Durango amp; New Logo

  • needhelp!
    02-26 06:29 PM
    Thank You abqguy.

    dodge durango 2011. Dodge Durango 2011
  • Dodge Durango 2011

  • BayBoy
    11-22 06:05 AM
    Hi Mehul

    Heart breaking,Miracle will happen any time.My personal advice-Please get second opinion from Adyar Chennai cancer Institute.

    Gandhi Nagar,East Canal Bank Road
    Adyar, Chennai, 600020
    +91 44 22350131
    +91 44 24911526
    +91 44 42054405
    +91 44 22350241

    Fax : 91-44-24912085

    Gob Bless you.



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  • the 2011 Dodge Durango is

  • viper1400
    02-11 11:30 PM

    I know you don't want us to use paypal - but I think that might be delaying lot of contributions.

    Here is my case - I have a very hectic work schedule -so by the time I go home I forget to write and send a check. If I could do paypal then would be no problem as I can do from any where - work - from phone - anywhere.

    Just a thought.. I have been planning to send $50 or so but kept on forgetting. Don't get me wrong but telling the truth here.

    Sent $54 to cover some paypal expenses
    You have sent $54.00 USD to

    Contribution so for $204

    2010 Dodge Durango 2011 1024x768 dodge durango 2011. 2012 Dodge Durango 2011 Inside
  • 2012 Dodge Durango 2011 Inside

  • delax
    12-17 10:18 AM
    Was a little disillusioned with the whole name check process and I called USCIS yesterday. My wife cleared her name check, but mine is pending. It was initiated for both of us on Sept 26. I am not worried at all although it would not be true if I said that I was never worried.

    This is an irrational, unscientific and to a great extent arbitrary process - and by that I mean the entire green card process. Added to that is the never ending desire to beat the process - read labor substitution and PD porting. I have neither tried it nor do I intend to do it. Before people start piling on and I get accused of a holier than thou attitude, I am only expressing an opinion (not a value judgement) in an open forum. The last time I checked, a forum was meant to do just that.

    Objectively thinking my emotional stability and that of my family is a lot dearer than a piece of plastic, especially when none of the steps in the process are within my control.

    Yes I can contribute, lobby, send letters etc and make an attempt to get the process under my control - but I think its an indvidual decision whether someone wants to contribute, lobby, write letters etc - I did attend the DC rally though. Obviously the opportunity to express my opinion here has been provided by IV and I am grateful for that.

    All that I care about right now is to make sure my wife graduates from school, is able to work, we can travel as a family and enjoy this country. The rest is like trying to find two grains of wheat in two bushels of chaff.

    Just my 2 cents - Good luck with your green card process.


    dodge durango 2011. Dodge Durango 2011 – Front
  • Dodge Durango 2011 – Front

  • akhilmahajan
    02-09 02:59 PM
    Thanks a lot rvurady14 and jelo.

    Grand Total - $443

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.

    IV is I/WE.


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  • Dodge Durango 2011

  • hsingh82
    11-18 11:07 AM
    Dear Friend:
    Thank you for contacting me regarding the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act of 2009 (DREAM Act). I welcome your thoughts and comments.

    On March 26, 2009, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) introduced S. 729, the DREAM Act, which would allow states to offer in-state tuition rates to long-term resident immigrant students. The bill also would allow certain long-term residents who entered the United States as children to have their immigration or residency status adjusted to conditional permanent resident status or permanent resident status. The DREAM Act has been referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, on which I do not serve. Should S. 729 come before the full Senate, you may be certain I will keep your views in mind.

    I appreciate hearing from you, and I hope that you will not hesitate to keep in touch on any issue of concern to you.

    Kay Bailey Hutchison
    United States Senator

    284 Russell Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    202-224-5922 (tel)
    202-224-0776 (fax)
    United States Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (


    dodge durango 2011. The Dodge Durango#39;s hefty
  • The Dodge Durango#39;s hefty

  • bebar
    06-14 03:31 PM
    They are not personal checks. So there is no way for me to find if the checks were cashed or not. But attorney said, it takes minimum two weeks. But it looks like many have gotten their receipts.
    Are you checks cashed?

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  • 2011 2011 Dodge Durango RT

  • anzerraja
    07-19 09:45 PM
    Thanks Very much !!!

    100$ for this drive....Tell us what to do


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  • Dodge Durango 2011

  • ramus
    07-07 10:07 PM
    who is up for DC?

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  • 2011 Dodge Durango Trucks

  • simple1
    05-01 01:31 PM
    Thanks vbkris77. That is what I am saying.
    There is no references in INA showing EB dependents must be counted in EB quota. period.

    INA doesn't talk about visa allocation for spouse and children in employment pref. So we need to atleast challenge CIS interpretation on this.


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  • Dodge Durango 2011

  • NKR
    04-23 12:54 PM
    I just read first page of this thread and would advice that don't follow most of reply because they are lawyers or they have not gone through the experience you are going through. $4000 may not be big amount compared to hassle of law suite , piece of mind or the amount of increase you may have received by switching employer. I know a close person who had gone through exactly same situation in NJ and had to pay 12,000 to settle the case. I have seen bunch of people in same situation and my friend always adviced them to stay away from law suite. If your current employer is not big then there are greater chances that it will turn away from you in case of law suite.

    If you are not working with same client that you were working when you were in company A then non-compete may not hold against you.

    Also can you get in writing from you current employer that they will support you in case of law suite?

    Are you an desi employer by any chance?. Just wondering�

    Also I agree with most of what kshitijnt says but why should somebody apologize even after he has placed 4 employees and has worked for 2 years. He did not leave within couple of months for crying out loud. Some of the desi employers are so greedy and unethical that even after you slog with them for years, they still want to hold on to something just to prove they are employer/boss. This is a lesson for people wanting to help their employers business. I would tell them that it is none of their business to help their employer�s business.

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  • Dodge-Durango-2011-7

  • anzerraja
    07-19 09:45 PM
    Thanks Very much !!!

    100$ for this drive....Tell us what to do


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  • tattoo 2012 Dodge Durango 2011

  • waiting_4_gc
    08-26 10:49 AM
    July 5th filer.

    Checks cashed on 08/13
    Receipt notices received on 08/20.

    girlfriend 2011 Dodge Durango Trucks dodge durango 2011. Dodge Durango 2011 1024x768
  • Dodge Durango 2011 1024x768

  • deardar
    07-03 03:31 PM
    We should tip the local and national TV channel to cover these by standing in front of the that building and see the kabloom FTD trucks pulling up there all day long constantly as if there is supplying of flowers to a cemetary.

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  • Dodge Durango 2011 – Side

  • satish_hello
    09-21 10:38 AM
    I got mmy EAD for both of us, and AP Approved and received yesterday.

    EB2/PD-Sept'2004/I-140 Approved.
    I-485 - Sent July5th. - Transferred ---> WAC ---> back to NSC
    EAD- Card Received
    AP - Approved.
    AD -?

    Contributed $100 for Rally.

    12-11 10:39 PM
    I have mentioned IV to a some Indians. They have no interest. Some of them are not bothered about retrogression. They exepect the GC to fall in their lap while they are sipping tea and eating samosa.

    Also, it is hard to trust a mainly Indian set up. The Indian contracting companies have set a very shameless level. I told my friends that IV appears different but it is hard to change your opinion when you see something else 10 times a day.

    I apolozie to the sensitive Indians if I this is breaking news. But this is the general feeling and a reason for hate in the blogs: where there is smoke there is fire. It is embarassing.


    09-11 09:41 PM
    No mine did not say that for myself or my husband. It just said approval notice sent. It still says the same thing it has never changed or been updated. It could be there system- who knows! I hope you get yours soon! Keep me updated.

    It says approval notice sent? Do they send an approval for 765/EAD? I thought they would just send the card directly? Anyway, my spouse's ead says card in production and you should get it in 30days. Mine still says case recevied on Aug 31 and notice mailed out... But LUD on both applications is today...Will keep you posted...

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