Wednesday, June 29, 2011

target store models

images Attention Target shoppers! target store models. in front of a Target store
  • in front of a Target store

  • mp70
    02-14 10:09 AM
    Contributed 100 dollars.

    Paypal Transaction reference: 8PN25533RJ402645G


    wallpaper in front of a Target store target store models. Target stores don#39;t display
  • Target stores don#39;t display

  • gcsomeday
    06-26 06:13 PM
    record conversatios with these jack ass employers. It is surprising how much crap and illegal things they tell and do during negotiations. Not sure about the legality, would not harm if you dont use it. We keep seeing news on people getting screwed and then when outed the victim is not usually screwed by the system again.

    Also, I wonder if any employment contract not tied to any reasonable time estimate( like 485 - who knows when we will get it) will hold.Its akin to slavery.

    target store models. International Model, Lisa
  • International Model, Lisa

  • gcspace
    10-03 10:04 AM
    It was reached on July 16, 09:00 AM Lincoln,Nebraska,no RN yet :(

    My wife's package is also at 9am July 16th, R Pitcher

    2011 Target stores don#39;t display target store models. Geo-target your videos for
  • Geo-target your videos for

  • GCStatus
    09-13 09:04 PM

    First of all, ask yourself the following points before continue reading.

    1. Do I need a Green card at ANY cost ( Any cost = Waiting for yrs, Not willing to risk any other options, afraid to raise issues, not pinpointing flaws )

    2. Willing to fight for justice.

    If you chose the option 1, please stop reading further and good luck.

    For the option 2, here we go.I am new to this web site and it seems there are approx 70k people here and lot more outside. Huge enough to create miracles.

    Just to remind ourself who we are. We are Highly skilled LEGAL immigrants. It not only means we are skillful but it also means we pay every damn tax which is out there. We pay for welfare. We pay for unemployed. We pay for pensioners. List goes on. We pay fees for every application processed by USCIS ( Labor, I-140,I-485,I-765,I-131 etc etc ). We pay rent. We buy cars. We buy houses. In short, we are nothing but GOLD to this economy.

    However, this one department called USCIS is literally toying with us for yrs now as if we are slaves or we are obligated to them. We dont want anyone to do us any favour. We need justice.

    Friends - I have self respect and i wasn't born chanting Green Card. I AM going to face them, confront them, demand them to provide justice, if not I want them to REFUND every penny i have paid so far. If this "I AM" becomes "WE", half the battle won. TOGETHER WE STAND, VICTORY/JUSTICE FOR ALL. If you are still hesitant, you made a bad choice of choosing option 2. Please go back to option 1.



    We are making great progress on this and glad to see tonnes of positive responses. For the people who are viewing this thread first time, please send your name, e-mail, ph number and the amount you are willing to contribute ( in case of a lawsuit ) to man-woman-and-gc ( who is graciously collecting information for us and adding them in the below spreadsheet. Next steps on the way. (


    target store models. Jenny Shimizu Model and
  • Jenny Shimizu Model and

  • pappu
    06-20 10:43 AM
    Thanks for the update. Beginning from S. 1932 last year, we have been riding an extremely rough roller coaster. We are all sick of politics. I personally feel nothing much might be accomplished this year. A lot is at stake for politicians if they take any position. Thus dragging the issue and dealing with it next year seems to be their only option. It is a bad sign for lots of legal immigrants who have been anxiously waiting all this while. If at all anything can happen, it will only be due to initiative from the President. Or if President signs a emergency bill giving relief to outstanding, highly educated people who have been in line. This option maybe a daydream but will keep us optimistic until November this year. Sorry for sounding pessimistic.

    target store models. in Target stores beginning
  • in Target stores beginning

  • pappu
    08-18 01:35 PM
    IV Core is Busy withdrawing money from the bank account.

    DO NOT post such baseless allegations.

    IV core is very much aware of the problems as we ourselves face them, and working within our limited means and time. If you are interested, join us and give your helping hand.


    target store models. available in Target stores
  • available in Target stores

  • flresident
    08-18 10:45 AM

    This is for my wife's first time EAD.

    Category: EB2, TSC
    Priority Date: June 20, 2006
    I-485 filing date: July 17th, 2007
    Paper based EAD application Received date: Aug 8th, 2008
    LUD : Aug 12th, 2008
    Card Production Ordered : Aug 16th, 2008

    That was pretty quick.
    Funny part is, I haven't received receipt notice yet.

    2010 International Model, Lisa target store models. Attention Target shoppers!
  • Attention Target shoppers!

  • obviously
    03-08 08:53 AM
    and reduce your depression!


    target store models. Alox in a Target store (I
  • Alox in a Target store (I

  • acecupid
    07-11 07:49 PM
    I agree absolutely. Living right here near DC and being a victim of the present USCIS mess, I still did not know about this campaign until a family member from India mentioned about it after reading it in the local newspaper.
    I quickly signed up on this site and sent the flowers to be delivered yesterday.

    Interesting... Welcome to the gang !:D

    hair Geo-target your videos for target store models. NY Target store last
  • NY Target store last

  • csvinay
    10-27 12:33 PM
    ok. Assuming BILL pass during the lame-duck session... what is timeline for it take effect? I believe the president has to signed it and it take 90 days from that date to be effective? Experts?

    Any stratergic ideas, if positive news does not come out during the lame duck session?


    target store models. Target on lawndale got 5all
  • Target on lawndale got 5all

  • MeraNaamJoker
    08-26 09:29 AM
    I was told by IO at info pass that my case was with an officer on Aug 05 , got CPO on 25

    i had a SLUD on AUG 21 ,


    In most cases the next action after CPO mail was within 5-7 business days. So keep your fingers crossed for the welcome mail. Follow the postman for your card arrival.

    For me it happend within a span 11 regular days from CPO mail. 5th day after CPO mail, I got welcome notice in the mail and then 6th day from there I got my cards in the mail.

    By the way, the online status still stays and it is in post decision activity. That is 12 days after I received my physical cards.

    hot Jenny Shimizu Model and target store models. Maybe Target has caught on and
  • Maybe Target has caught on and

  • h1techSlave
    05-01 10:58 AM
    I think this is an unexplored point. Thanks for bringing it up guys.

    I think IV needs to hire a good immigration attorney. May be IV can start a new funding drive to see, if members are really interested this hiring an attorney. The same attorney also can help us by answering our questions.


    house Target stores in the US. target store models. should hit Target stores
  • should hit Target stores

  • anzerraja
    07-20 02:48 PM
    If you are asking just about this thread, yes there is a spreadsheet tracking this.

    If in general, i am sorry i am not aware of anything.

    Is there any way of knowing how much each user has contributed? (I am not interested in knowing about others ) but would be nice to know atleast for myself how much I contributed.


    tattoo in Target stores beginning target store models. People shop at Target store in
  • People shop at Target store in

  • hiUS
    09-03 10:26 AM
    My order so far is follows

    Aug 12 8AM - Email -> Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident.
    Aug 12 9PM - Email -> Card production ordered.
    Aug 15 - Email -> Approval notice sent (for ME)
    Aug 18 - Email -> Approval notice sent for Spouse
    Aug 18 - Received I-797C Approval Notice for both me and spouse by USPS. In fact i received 3 original copies of the same approval for me and only 1 for my spouse.

    Still waiting for the actual cards to come.

    I am exactly in the same situation...Did you receive them by now?

    My Details:

    On 8/12/08, I saw the message "Approval Notice Sent" on USCS site for me and my wife. There was no sequence for us like Welcome Notice...Card Production ordered...Approval Notice....The first and only message was Approval notice sent.


    On 08/18/08 myself and my wife received the mail(post) of approval notice but we did not get the cards. Generally till now what I heard and saw in forums is....when we see the message "Approval notice sent" in the USCIS site, every body got their cards in a week after that message.

    But for us we got only notices saying that it is approved and the message on the Notice says

    "The above application has been approved. Prior to receiving your permanent resident card you may be required to report for biometrics processing (photo/fingerprint/signature). Please do not take any action at this time. If you are required to report for this processing, you will receive another notice advising you of the date time and location to appear.

    If you have not received your permanent resident card or the above mentioned notice to appear for biometrics processing within 90 days, please call this office at the number listed below"

    Please do let me know if any body in the same situation and do we need to do any thing for it.


    pictures available in Target stores target store models. of the new Target store in
  • of the new Target store in

  • bskrishna
    09-15 11:28 AM
    This method of collecting funds to get to a target and execute a pre-planned POA is great! I like this method, where we commit to funds and when we know, we have enough, we pull the trigger. But we need to have a plan and estimate the costs of that plan. This is a great way to go about, i think.

    dresses Maybe Target has caught on and target store models. of sale at a Target store
  • of sale at a Target store

  • psaxena
    09-10 03:58 PM
    Plain and simple question, are you a donor or a volunteer.. if yes.. then you must be aware of
    the different initiatives that IV has taken up for EB3, which I guess you are not aware of.

    As you don't want to donate or volunteer what makes you think that you can tell IV on what to do and what not to do.. Are you even associated in anyways.

    I have never ever seen such a big thankless following of a group. Everyone is in trouble and everyone has problem but cannot donate.

    Wanted to write a lot more , but I think its not worth it. I just hope your conscious makes you feel ashamed of this attitude of yours.

    That should not be the case. It should just concentrate on EB3-I. Period Because that is the only category that has to wait for centruries to get any movement.


    makeup Alox in a Target store (I target store models. Target stores in the US.
  • Target stores in the US.

  • santiwar
    12-17 05:53 PM
    This may be the *best advice*, imo.

    Most "youngsters" (makes me feel really old now.. doesn't it.. ) visiting the U.S. for business/work/education seem to have no plans of residing in this country permanently. Most I've talked to in the past year or two are keen on returning home, or somewhere else.

    Particularly true in case of India, imo.

    Give them a year or two more, when they have become comfortable with the american lifestyle and facilities we now take for granted (driving on freeways, easy access to libraries, parks to go for a run etc), and they will be probably singing a different tune.

    I came here eight yers ago muttering the same "Will make a few bucks and go back home" line. Still here and living it up :)

    I took up running 6 years ago primarily as i was trying to quit smoking, and also, there was a great running track right outside my house (obviously, free for anyone to use). Then I went to Mumbai last year and decided to go for a run, five minutes into the run and i was being chased by 2 dogs (and i don't mean the cops :p). The point i am trying to make here is. There are things in this country that we start taking for granted. lets appreciate it!

    Another tip i would suggest to keep your mind occupied is to learn a foreign language. Invest in an Ipod if you do not have one already. Download free podcasts thet teach french,spanish, german etc. Listen to it while running. You are doing two things at the same time, staying fit and learning.

    maybe we can have an IV 5K run sometime in the spring if things do not change. just a suggestion..

    girlfriend People shop at Target store in target store models. a Target store and said,
  • a Target store and said,

  • vaishnavilakshmi
    07-05 01:34 AM

    Ours is Substituted labor(eb3) and Priority date is Feb2002.

    Our lawyer sent our papers on 29th june2007.Don't know the status of mail,since my lawyer is not responding to our mail.


    hairstyles Target on lawndale got 5all target store models. Los Angeles Target store.
  • Los Angeles Target store.

  • tomytomy111
    02-09 01:58 AM
    I love my country and want to go back, but it is in the hands of rapists and looters and I suspect it will remain that way...either I become a Gandhi and spend my life liberating it, or live year with my eyes & ears closed...

    It is actually funny to watch you guys fight over the US vs India.

    Let me ask you this:

    -If you didn't choose to study medical or IT and never came to US, would you be thinking the same (problems in India and reasons not to settle in India etc) as you are thinking today?
    -If US government didn't have the provision of employment based GC, would you be thinking the same as you are thinking today(problems in India and reasons not to settle in India etc) ?

    The answer of the questions above is either YES or NO. I'm sure that many of us will answer these questions as NO.

    And if the answer is NO and and you are still counting problems in India and trying to justify your stay in US, then I'm afraid my friends you guys are being opportunistic.

    No matter how bad it is, that country made you capable of using this forum. You shouldn't backbite and find problems and issues in that country. You should rather use your energy in solving problems in India. Don't say it is not possible. Nothing is impossible.

    You can send emails/letters/flowers to senators and officials here for GC, but I'm sure that there will only be handful of you; who actually tried to send their feedback complaints to Indian government and its officials.

    I can go on and on, but I leave this thought with you guys and end my post here, as I know that you got the point.

    09-18 02:24 PM
    My 485 pkg reached NSC at 11.14 am on July 16,2007 signed by F.Heinauer.

    Still waiting for the receipts..

    In your case, I think u should give it a day or two.

    Could you please let me know whether your # starts with LIN or SRC?



    My receipt #s start with LIN. I did call USCIS regarding my receipt #s, and level I customer service wasn't able to find the numbers in the system. Obvisouly they have limited access to the system. I spoke to a level II IO, and they were able to pull up my information. They said that it will take a couple of days before I'm able to track my case online.

    In any case, are you waiting to receive your receipts in the mail, or for your checks to be cashed?

    06-26 03:07 PM
    Santosh_gc, I don't have a problem when you talk about illegals getting ahead of legals etc. But the comment about illegal immigrants bringing corruption into the U.S. was way out of line. It is unfair that illegal immigrants may get ahead of legal immigrants. Let us leave it at that and not speculate on how they might introduce corruption into society. No discussions on how they break the law when they enter the country - that is a bogus argument. Just about every one of us breaks the law every time he/she gets behind the wheel of a car, unless you claim you always drive the speed limit. By your logic, then every immigrant from India can be disallowed as we are exposed to as much corruption in India as there is in Mexico and we might infect the U.S. culture just as much. Bkam's comments didn't add any value to the discussion and were just offensive.

    I am sorry stucklabour but a traffic/speeding violation is a misdemeanour and not breaking the law. Being in this country illegally is actually breaking the law. Now i am not going to get suckered into a whole legals v/s illegals debate, but at some level i do feel that undocumented workers HAVE broken the law. Besides the argument that "everyone does it" really doesnt cut it. 10 wrongs do not make 1 right. If you look at the punishment for the 2 things a speeding violation leads to a simple fine, a violation of Visa leads to deportation.

    Now i personally dont care, whether the US Govt asks the undocumented to stay or leave. What i DO care about is, how we, the legals are treated. So whether the illegals are mexican, indian, chinese, cambodian or actual aliens from Mars, the policy should be: "If you come the right way, you will make it in, if you come the wrong way, you will either NOT make it in at all, OR will have to wait much longer than the people who came in the right way". So poeple pls stop the "racist" remarks against Just the Mexican community and culture. On the other hand the moderators too have to understand that everyone here does have a right to express SOME opinions regarding the undocumented/illegal immigrants. When you see urself and people doing things the right way waiting for years, as opposed to people doing things the wrong way being literally gifted Green cards, it does raise anger and frustration levels.

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