Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • santb1975
    02-14 12:22 AM
    We really need it

    I volunteer. I will be in Los Angeles this Sunday. See you there.



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  • thepaew
    09-24 10:45 AM
    It is not possible to switch to F-1 if one has filed I-140. If you wish to pursue an MBA you basically have 3 choices:
    1. US-based part-time program
    2. If you are married, you can attend on H-4, with risks of being out of status if your spouse loses employment and the difficulty in obtaining US-based placements.
    3. Look outside the US - INSEAD, IMD, MBA-HSG, LBS, ISB, etc. etc. There are very good options outside the US too.

    Good Luck!


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  • black_logs
    04-13 10:00 AM
    But before you send it you make sure you do not want the labor substitution to stay. The AILA draft supports labor substitution.
    Here you go, you can use this as a draft and keep the relevant parts of the comments or adjust accordingly :

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  • ak_manu
    04-09 03:27 PM

    My current EAD will expire in September 2008. It is applied through Company A. I want to change my employer in July to Company B. But I would think during
    that time frame I would have already applied for my EAD renewal.

    Can I transfer to Company B during this renewal process?



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  • sri1309
    12-08 07:05 AM
    Hi All,
    I have come to this forum to ask for some advise because this is one of the forums where lot of the visitors are engineers, and most of them work in computers related fields.
    I have a stable job( non-engineering) and I am making a decent salary(more than 200K/year) right now but I just hate my job.I desperatly want to change my field.
    I am hoping to get my green card next year( PD 06/2004 NSC EB 2 India).I need your advise on how to get into computer/software/IT field.
    I do not have an engineering background but am willing to go back to school. I would like to start working on this transition while I wait for my GC.

    My questions are -
    1- Is there a shortcut of getting into any computer/software or related field ?training,short courses, anything!
    Absolutely, just have some experience with a Komputer software, they call Microsoft Outlook. Its actually a suite of products, Office, word and excel. It can get little tough initially, but as you know fruits will be bitter, when you get trained in such a tough course. Set aside 1-2 months in a week, for this.
    2- If I have to go back to school what major will I need to take? Any specific requirements?
    I'd not waste time for school. See 1. A simple course is sufficient.
    3-I have a bachelors but not in engineering- can I go straight for a MS in computer science or will I have to do a bachelors in Computers first.

    See 1. Dont spend anytime in MS or PhDs.

    4-How's the current job market and and also if you have any idea/view about future job scenario?
    Current job market is booming. You may have seen job losses in other fields, but in IT, its not the case. I was making $125K 3 months back and now I am switching jobs as I have 5 offers, offering me more than 200K. My employer is begging me to stay.
    5-Have any of you made/seen such a transition at my stage?- I am 35, married with working spouse.
    Absolutely, 50% in this forum are same like you. Me too.
    6-Also if somebody can give an idea about salaries in computer related fields?
    Point 4 answers.

    Have a good day guys and thank you in advance for your views.

    Hope this helps too. I fully agree with Lord.
    So how long have you been in the US.

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  • roseball
    08-07 11:10 AM
    if my wife is already in US on H4 do i need to file a I-134 ,I-864 too ??

    Also do i need to add my tax return, my I20 and my paystubs with application. She just came into country so she does not have any tax rerurn of her own nor any I20 or any paystubs of her own.. Please suggest.


    Yes, its good to file I-134 especially when she is on H4. Paystubs and tax returns are not required documents though a lot of people tend to submit them. Just an employment letter from your employer would suffice. You dont need to include your I-20 with your wife's application....However, do include her medicals, though its not part of the initial evidence......


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  • hopefulgc
    08-13 03:28 PM
    actually its a great movie title "vdlrao kaun hai"

    who is vld rao?

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  • perm2gc
    12-14 12:07 PM
    I searched some ways to solve the GAP problem.

    Now I collect it and please correct it if I have some mistakes.

    GAP problem is a normal problem . So we can share our information about it

    to help each other.
    Yanj Welcome to IV.We are here to help everyone.Your one month gap can be solved either by taking a course at Kaplan or talk to your international student advisory to take an extra course.Finally can you please help us my joining new members and contributing to IV.


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  • buddhaas
    02-02 03:57 PM
    Why Is H-1B A Dirty Word?
    By Eleanor Pelta, AILA First Vice President

    H-1B workers certainly seem to be under fire these days on many fronts. A new memo issued by USCIS on the employer-employee relationship imposes new extra-regulatory regulations on the types of activities in which H-1B workers can engage as well as the types of enterprises that can petition for H-1B workers. The memo targets the consulting industry directly, deftly slips in a new concept that seems to prohibit H-1B petitions for employer-owners of businesses, and will surely constitute an open invitation to the Service Centers to hit H-1B petitioners with a new slew of kitchen-sink RFE's. On another front, USCIS continues to make unannounced H-1B site visits, often repeatedly to the same employer. Apart from the "in-terrorem" impact of such visits, I personally cannot see the utility of three different visits to the same employer, particularly after the first one or two visits show that the employer is fully compliant.

    But USCIS isn't the only agency that is rigorously targeting H-1B's. An AILA member recently reported that CBP pulled newly-arrived Indian nationals holding H-1B visas out of an immigration inspection line and reportedly placed them in Expedited Removal. The legal basis of those actions is still unclear. However, the tactic is too close to racial profiling for my own comfort.

    Finally, recent H-1B "skirmishes" include various U.S. consular posts in India issuing "pink letters" that are, simply put, consular "RFE's" appearing to question the bona fides of the H-1B and requesting information on a host of truly repetitive and/or irrelevant topics. Much of the information that is routinely requested on a pink letter is already in the copy of the H-1B visa petition. Some of the letters request payroll information for all employees of the sponsoring company, a ridiculous request in most instances, particularly for major multi-national companies. One of the most frustrating actions we are seeing from consular officers in this context is the checking off or highlighting of every single category of additional information on the form letter, whether directly applicable or not, in effect a "paper wall" that must be overcome before an applicant can have the H-1B visa issued. Very discouraging to both employer and employee.

    How have we come to a point in time where the H-1B category in and of itself is so disdained and mistrusted? Of course I'm aware that instances of fraud have cast this category in a bad light. But I think that vehemence of the administrative attack on the H-1B category is so disproportionate to the actual statistics about fraud. And interestingly, the disproportionate heavy-handed administrative reaction comes not from the agency specifically tasked with H-1B enforcement—the Department of Labor—but from CIS, CBP and State. Sometimes I just have to shake my head and ask myself what makes people so darn angry about a visa category that, at bottom, is designed to bring in relatively tiny number of really smart people to work in U.S. businesses of any size. It has to be a reaction against something else.

    Yes, a great number of IT consultants come to the US on H-1B's. It is important to remember that so many of these individuals are extremely well-educated, capable people, working in an industry in which there are a large number of high profile players. And arguably, the high profile consulting companies have the most at stake if they do not focus on compliance, as they are the easiest enforcement target and they need their business model to work in the U.S. in order to survive. Some people may not like the business model, although arguably IT consulting companies provide needed services that allow US businesses, such as banks and insurance companies to focus on their own core strengths. Like it or not, though, this business model is perfectly legal under current law, and the agencies that enforce our immigration laws have no business trying to eviscerate it by policy or a pattern of discretionary actions.

    It is true that some IT consulting companies' practices have been the focus of fraud investigations. But DOL has stringent rules in place to deal with the bad guys. Benching H-1B workers without pay, paying below the prevailing wage, sending H-1B workers on long-term assignments to a site not covered by an LCA—these are the practices we most often hear about, and every single one of these is a violation of an existing regulation that could be enforced by the Department of Labor. When an employer violates wage and hour rules, DOL investigates the practices and enforces the regulations against that employer. But no one shuts down an entire industry as a result.

    And the IT consulting industry is not the only user of the H-1B visa. Let's not forget how many other critical fields use H-1B workers. In my own career alone, I have seen H-1B petitions for nanoscientists, ornithologists, CEO's of significant not for profit organizations, teachers, applied mathematicians, risk analysts, professionals involved in pharmaceutical research and development, automotive designers, international legal experts, film editors, microimaging engineers. H-1B's are valuable to small and large businesses alike, arguably even more to that emerging business that needs one key expert to develop a new product or service and get the business off the ground.

    The assault on H-1B's is not only offensive, it's dangerous. Here's why:

    * H-1B's create jobs—statistics show that 5 jobs are created in the U.S. for every H-1B worker hired. An administrative clamp-down in the program will hinder this job creation. And think about the valuable sharing of skills and expertise between H-1B workers and U.S. workers—this is lost when companies are discouraged from using the program.
    * The anti-H-1B assault dissuades large businesses from conducting research and development in the US, and encourages the relocation of those facilities in jurisdictions that are friendlier to foreign professionals.
    * The anti-H-1B assault chills the formation of small businesses in the US, particularly in emerging technologies. This will most certainly be one of the long-term results of USCIS' most recent memo.
    * The attack on H-1B's offends our friends and allies in the world. An example: Earlier this year India –one of the U.S.'s closest allies --announced new visa restrictions on foreign nationals working there. Surely the treatment of Indian national H-1B workers at the hands of our agencies involved in the immigration process would not have escaped the attention of the Indian government as they issued their own restrictions.
    * The increasing challenges in the H-1B program may have the effect of encouraging foreign students who were educated in the U.S. to seek permanent positions elsewhere.

    Whatever the cause of the visceral reaction against H-1B workers might be—whether it stems from a fear that fraud will become more widespread or whether it is simply a broader reaction against foreign workers that often raises its head during any down economy –I sincerely hope that the agencies are able to gain some perspective on the program that allows them to treat legitimate H-1B employers and employees with the respect they deserve and to effectively enforce against those who are non-compliant, rather than casting a wide net and treating all H-1B users as abusers.

    source link :

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  • zephyrr
    09-07 01:26 PM
    I was in the same situation as you when I applied. In general, there should not be a problem with MS+0.

    Another alternative is to show the experience gained at your current employer in your application. For that to happen, you should've been promoted to a position in which ur exprience is 50% same as your old position, then you can get an affidavit from your manager stating this fact.
    This is what we had done for my traditional labor. I believe it still holds true for PERM, suggest you talk to the company's lawyer.

    I am in great need of some suggestions. I hold a MS degree in computer science and graduate in 2004 dec. Since then I have been with the same employer.

    Now that he is filing for my LC. Is it difficult to get through with MS+0yrs of expereince ?

    Also, at this point of time i have found other employers who is willing to do my GC in which case I will have MS+2 yrs of expereince.

    Is it worth changing employer for gaining 2 yrs of expereince for my LC.

    Does this really make my case more stronger ? or I am just OVER REACTING ? and doing unneccessary thing

    DOES THE EXPEREINCE with MS makes it better for EB2 ?

    Please let me know if there are some experts out there


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  • DDash
    04-04 11:49 PM
    I need some help with my situation. I am currently working for an employer A full time on H-1 B. I-140 Approved (> 180days) and 485 pending (July 2nd filer). I have my EAD. My H-1 is being extended and I have not received my approval notice yet.

    I got an offer from employer B for a consulting GIG. I would like to invoke AC-21.

    Can someone please answer my questions? :confused:

    1) I am planning on doing a H-1 transfer to employer B. Will it be possible to do H-1 transfer while employer A is extending my H-1?

    2) Should I let USCIS know that I am changing my employment?

    3) I have a job code that I used on LC. Should I maintain the same job code for H-1 transfer as well?

    4) I am not sure how big employer B is (not sure how many employees work for them)....does it matter? Should I be concerned if employer B is a small employer? :rolleyes:

    5) With employer A I make x dollars. LC reflects this pay. When I switch to employer B should I also make only x dollars or can I make more? :eek:

    Thanks in advance for you replies.

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  • lifestrikes
    02-11 10:06 AM

    Legislation is being prepared by U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) that would make it easier to get permanent residency or Green Cards for advance degree graduates. Lofgren, who represents Silicon Valley, has not introduced her proposal, but she is a veteran of immigration issues.

    Previous efforts by Lofgren have attempted to make it easier for foreign students who earn advance degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, the so-called STEM degrees, to remain in the U.S. Her latest proposal is broader.

    Among the things Lofgren may seek to accomplish in this bill is to create a new Green Card category for advanced degree graduates with STEM degrees, and to enable employers to file immigrant petitions for any of these students, eliminating the need for an H-1B visa for these employers. Out of the 85,000 H-1B visas allowed each year, 20,000 are set aside for STEM graduates.

    U.S. Rep Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) introduced something similar last month. But Lofgren's proposal may go further by seeking protections for U.S. workers by barring their displacement by an H-1B worker, a move that may be aimed at firms that primarily deliver offshore services.

    Link (


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    01-31 02:24 PM

    My friend got into this situation.

    He had EB2 Labor approved with PD 08/2005 and I140 approved.. He is in final six months of his H1.

    Now, interestingly his EB3 labor from Previous employer was just approved. However, he is no more working with them. But could convince them to file I140 for the apprvoed EB3 (which is PD 09/2003). and would like to Port the PD to his current EB2 with his present employer.

    Did any oone of you experienced this and if so, can you please share your experience..

    What are the Dos and Donts for this case.. Appreciate your replies.


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  • GC_dd
    10-15 02:19 PM
    I was on L1 got h1b and started working for h1b employer in Oct 2007. meanwhile my wife and kid traveled to India and in Chennai consulate got 221g for latest salary slips in April 2008. in 2 weeks they got h4 stamped. after one year I traveled to India in July 2009 and got h1b stamped.


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  • sunny1000
    06-11 02:31 PM
    I am in my 8 yr. Have a H1-B approved Untill 2008 Dec

    Have a EB3 Approved Labor and 140 from Company A.

    Now as of today if I move to Company B ...

    Question :

    Can I get a 3 yr Extension based on Company A (140 Approved )
    that is from june 2007 to june 2010


    Do I get my H1-B untill 2008 Dec ?

    When I move to Company B is there anything that I have be aware off as
    I am planning to pally Eb2 and move the PD from company A
    My PD : EB3 Jun 2004

    Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks

    You cannot port your I-140 to the new company. So, your H1B will also get affected as it extn is based on the underlying I-140. The only way you can accomplish moving to company B is by filing for I-485 while still at Company A (if your dates are current), wait for 6 months and then, use the AC21 provision.

    This is just my view. There might be better ways but, that is the only one I can think right now.

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  • webm
    03-19 03:57 PM
    "On a side note, do these Processing dates also retrogress?

    --Yes surprisingly it happened for TSC dates during March VB in Feb'08.retrogressed from May 24,2007 to April 10,2007

    Keep hope,you should expect to receive GC soon...your PD,RD both passed the criteria for NSC.



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  • bbenhill
    01-12 01:03 PM
    Its' very depressing state, I really feel bad about current state of affairs of economy...

    Its' very depressing , So lets close this thread :(

    But gcformeornot Don't give me read for that , Nothing against you , I am giving you green

    Skd, it was nice of you .. I gave you green :)

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  • gparr
    May 22nd, 2005, 08:29 PM
    My business travels took me, once again, to Las Vegas. Armed with a polarizer and more time on this trip, I was determined to do a better job of photographing the views in Red Rock Canyon than I did the last time. Was able to shoot in the canyon area at both sunrise and sunset. I'm much happier with the results this time. Here are three of my favorites from the effort. Several more in my gallery. Comments/critiques appreciated.

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  • shree772000
    08-13 03:36 PM
    who is vld rao?

    His full name is venkateshwar rao.....:p

    04-22 09:59 PM
    Indian companies like wipro, infosys discourage GC processes.

    If that is the case, then PDs should move forward once we are past FY2004.
    The question is, how many are there in FY2004?!!

    12-11 10:57 AM
    Country EB1 EB2 EB3
    S Korea 1,923 7,125 4,727
    Philippines 310 2,057 5,625
    UK 3,472 2,043 909
    Canada 2,368 3,404 1,207
    Mexico 1,457 1,348 4,021

    Now the question is why is there no 7% quota for South Korea ?

    Korea could have been benefited from spillover or they act on Korea only after they find that Korea has indeed used more than 7% - till now it has been only I/C/P/M and they did not pay attention to Korea - now Koorea may be added to this list

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