Tuesday, June 28, 2011

justin bieber new haircut december 2010

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  • eb3_nepa
    05-02 02:57 PM

    Then what is the real need of Eb2 and Eb1 if everything is going to flow to Eb3?
    Technically under which conditions and criteria Eb1 and Eb2 would be applicable?

    GCby3000 u wud still apply under Eb1 and Eb2 depending on the job requirement and ur personal skills. It is just that u will be Exempt from the Cap i.e. the yearly quota for GCs, IF you have an advanced degree in the US.

    Now you can be an Eb2 even without a masters in the US, if you have outstanding management ability and ur job demands that kind of management skill level. In that case the yearly quota cap would apply to u, but if u have an advanced degree in the US the cap wud not apply to u.

    What degrees are considered as advanced degrees in the SKIL bill maybe some on here can clarify. Is it the same definition as the STEM or is it different?

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  • unitednations
    03-07 04:41 PM
    Hey UN, with your experience, are you seeing a pattern of denials, etc happening to non bodyshopper, non consultants as well? as in, is this whole DOL/USCIS crack down across the board or is it mostly restricted to desi consultants/bodyshopers?

    The situation on the ground is this:

    L-1 extensions for software related jobs are pretty much now dead. TCS, IBM, etc., are getting denied. USCIS has changed their definition of "specialized knowledge". Now, "specialized knowledge"means no on in USA has that knowledge and cannot obtain that knowledge through training.

    Staffing companies; small companies or companies who are h-1b dependent (larger comapnies) are stuck in Vermont Service Center. There are some that aren't having problems but usually it starts with one case stuck in background check; followed by a few approvals; then another one stuck in background check and then all of a sudden all cases are stuck in background check. The scrutiny uscis is giving these types of cases is tremondous and they are denying all of them. Right now; if you monitor the forums you are starting to see the denials. However, vermont service center was sticking cases in background check since fall of 2007. Now; those cases are being worked on and denied. We are just at the beginning of this.

    Traditioinal American companies; h-1b and greencard have become toxic and political. Many of them aren't filing greencards for people due to layoffs or too many poeple responding to the advertisements. I haven't seen h-1b issues with them yet. However, if they are not going to do GC then what is the point.

    Staffing companies had easiest time filing labors becuse they don't layoff people. However, after Iowa issue now they have started cancelling h-1b's for people on bench, etc. There are so many transfer requests in open market right now; but companies aren't filing because they are getting rid of their own people and it would be foolish to bring on more people in non productive status. However, when they are cancelling h-1b's and sending people back; it is a layoff and that would preclude them from filing greencards.

    I do know of one person working at FEDEX as a permanent employee (she has greencard); she told me that FEDEX has taken the detemination that they will not be filing greencards for anyone in the near future. Person can stay until duration of their h-1b but then that will be it.

    perm labors used to go through in matter of days. Anything mor then 3 weeks was considered a long time. Now; there is high rate of denials and DOL turning up the scrutiny as to layoffs and general workforce in the place of inteneded employment.


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  • gcnirvana
    05-23 12:09 PM
    Sent emails to 2 + 10 Senators. I will fax them in a while. Thanks logiclife for coming up with this template.

    Go IV Go...

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  • gccovet
    07-28 02:47 PM
    Just got email. No card yet.

    Current Status: Card production ordered.
    On July 26, 2008, we ordered production of your new card

    Another thing I just noticed is a LUD on my I-140 which was approved a year ago ( july5th 2007)
    The lud happened on 7/27/2008.

    Recieved an email just now. Status was updated to card production ordered.

    Paper filed at TSC on May 22, 2008
    Service center: TSC
    Last LUD on July 25 (Previous update was on May 25)
    Current status: Card production ordered.
    Waiting till I get the card .........

    Cool, at least some movement. I hope, mine moves too!!



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  • diptam
    06-22 12:16 PM
    My employer is also behaving exactly similar way... Spend the money from your own Pocket ( 350 med + 385 ) around $750 and ask them to just
    give the Future Employment Verification Letter for 485.

    I'm finishing up all forms and other activities Like Medical , Birth Certificate etc..

    After that pounce on your employer for Letter + the fees for 485 + fees for your own attorney fees ... If they disagrees come to a deal with just for the Letter... You are all set then !!

    If they still dont agree i'll tell them that you are resigning and immigrating to Canada (Tell them that your Canadian PR is almost approved and you have a distant relative there)

    Sounds like a Plan ? - Let me know !
    My labour and I-140 is approved last year and I am working with current employer from last 1 and half years. Employer is making good money trough me.

    As now the dates are current, my employer is trying to exploit me.
    He is not responding to my mails, and not picking my phone.

    Last modified message which I got from him is that:

    The whole financials for the company changes with filing 485 for you immediately. So, it is definitely a loss for company to process your 485 immediately.

    you need to come with items that you are ready to compromise in return; so that the company also benefits by helping you."

    I am very much in tension and he is talking to me.

    Can someone suggest what may be the option for me?

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  • GKBest
    10-08 11:29 AM
    .....and our rest day in calling USCIS, checking our checks and the mail.


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  • reddymjm
    06-13 04:09 PM
    My one set of checks cleared last friday & other set yet to be cleared. That might be for me or wife, no idea. So I'm waiting.
    How are you so sure that your case checks were cashed & not your wife's just curious.

    You should see the paper copy of receipts in your mail box today as I already got mine monday.Still waiting on my wifes. Was your at NSC too.. I wrote my name on the checks to differentiate. So I knew they were mine.
    My attorney is not organized man. he is #$$%%%^. so worried whether he sent it or not. Is your wife working too by any chance.

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  • reddymjm
    05-02 02:57 PM
    HAHA, true, and reddymjm should be made acting deputy director for this effort like Mr. Aytes.
    I'm glad that he re-edited his language in his previous post!

    You and I would not be here. You would have got ur GC long back ha ha haa haa


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  • actaccord
    02-17 11:21 AM
    effective marketing...something called MLM was used and some false promises.

    This event cannot run based on MLM or false promises.

    It can be successful only if every member understands their contribution and participation is key for this event and they are the one who can solve their immigration issue by taking this event seriously.

    What is the difference between the two? IMO, two words "Effective Marketing". Come on, where are the MBA's among us who can offer strategy? Actually I feel we are so backward that we don't even need MBA's to improve from here, just any simple ideas

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  • logiclife
    03-08 10:46 AM
    Yes, and a lot of people know that there are highly skilled people who are depressed and that takes a toll on employee productivity.

    After all, if 90% of your time is spent on thinking about BECs and visa bulletins, imagine if that time was spent on doing the job they've hired you for.

    Some employers(like Microsoft) realize this and want to do something about it. Its not just about keeping the best and brightest here in USA. Its also about keeping the morale and productivity up.

    As to how to deal with this...try this.

    Call your local congressman's office(Find out info about that from House.gov, with your zipcode). Get an appointment with congressman. There is an Easter recess coming up when they would be back from DC.

    Then talk to him about all issues you have. Take all the material you need from the "Volunteer" menu item of this website.

    Doing something about the problem is the best therapy there is. I am not saying this because I want to coax you into meeting your congressman. No. That's not the objective. But I think action is the best remedy for this problem. And there is actionable stuff to do about this. If you are suffering from terminal cancer, then you really cant do anything about that. This is not such a problem. This is a problem for which the solution is out there.

    Somehow, after landing in this country, people lose the appetite for risk and adventure. Before they are in here, they would move mountains to score an H1 or an F1. After coming here, they hunker down, heads-under-the-desk kind of approach. What I am talking about is nearly 200 people right now, who have read this post, but havent logged in. They wouldnt log in. They wouldnt give their real email address if they sign up. They would never contribute. WHY? Because they are afraid. That they will be deported. For no reason. Everything we do is legal, including raising funds and spending it on lobbying. But they are afraid. They are also afraid that by talking to congressmen, they will make them mad and the congressman will pick up the phone, call USCIS and then get their 140 cancelled. Yes. People create their own fastasies and become afraid of them..

    Yesterday, nearly 2000 Irish illegals went to capitol hill and talked to various lawmakers to lobby for CIR and legalization. They were illegals. Yet, the somehow managed to walk into the building where laws of this country are made, talk to people who make the laws that they have broken, go thru Capitol Hill security check, and look into the eye of the lawmaker and talk to them.

    However, our community, this is how they behave. Forget about talking to congressman, or contributing money. When they call the core group with a question, they block the caller id can call. Dont disclose their name too. Ask a questions and then quickely hang up. Some of them want to contribute with cash because they are not willing to believe us that we are doing everything legal here and its their right to lobbying and petition the Government for problems.

    After paying taxes, after following all immigration laws, after getting all the education in the world to become "Highly skilled", the highly skilled cant bring themselves to stand-up with a straight spine, thump their desk and talk to their lawmaker.

    So at the end of the day, if we are depressed that legals dont get attention, then you know where to look for blame : the highly skilled who are highly educated and too afraid because their education and skills make them think too much and analyze too much, and they are afraid all the time.


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  • permfiling
    05-12 03:30 PM
    Now is the time to really take this to the next level and push for real changes to employment-based processing. Or you can simply accept the reality that you have to wait ten years longer than everyone else to get a green card

    I agree to meet.

    member of North California
    contributions : $500

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  • Zeb
    08-02 09:46 AM

    If we r landing by road and as we dont have address and we give our friends address, right?

    So do we have to give address as

    My Name
    C/o; Friend's name
    Friend's address

    Or we just give

    Friend's Name
    Friend's address

    Please anyone can throw some light on the issue.

    Thanks in advance.

    Just give your name and address of your friend. My brother received my card exactly after four weeks.


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  • cram
    06-11 10:18 PM
    I mailed mine on May 25 and up to now I haven't gotten anything yet. My lawyer mailed it to NSC and since my I-140 is pending with the TSC, my lawyer said they will just forward it there. It's taking too long. Anybody in the same boat as I am?

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  • tonyHK12
    02-17 05:02 PM
    @12%, thanks iak1973, reddymjm, mhkumar, Pagal, Hopeful1, dudes2006

    Total Contributions..........$6,225.00
    Amount to be raised.......$43,775.00


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  • rk07
    09-27 02:16 PM
    Hi All,
    Quick question...we applied for NSC on aug 2nd..did not hear anything yet. Just wondering did all of u , whose cases got transfered to other centers get Transfer notices or directly receipt notices.

    I am gettign tensed as the days are passing by.


    How much tense I should feel!!! Applied on July 23rd at NSC and no news so far.

    Anyone in the same boat?


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  • map_boiler
    08-12 12:56 PM
    did you move within the same city, or was this an out of state move?

    - if within the same city, you could possibly check with people living at your old address...who knows, they could be helpful. generally usps does not deliver uscis mail without your name on the mailbox; also there is no mail forwarding for such mails

    - check with uscis to see if the card was already mailed out, or otherwise try to get their help in tracking it down (given their customer service though, this could be difficult)

    - your attorney should also receive a copy of the approval notice, so check with him/her. uscis sends the card and welcome notice only to you, but they (afaik) generally send out a copy of the approval notice to the attorney as well.

    - if unable to resolve this in 30-days, file I-90 (see below). again, check with attorney before doing anything.

    - can also consider getting I-551 stamp from local uscis office

    http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=b3f7ab0a43b5d010VgnVCM10000048f3d6a1RCR D&vgnextchannel=db029c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD

    Filing Fee if you are filing because:
    • You never received your Permanent Resident Card; or
    • Your Permanent Resident Card was issued with incorrect information because of a USCIS administrative error;
    Then there is no fee required. Please review the Where to File Instructions, below, if you are filing for these reasons. Total filing fee = $0

    If you are filing because your card was never received

    • If USCIS mailed you a Permanent Resident Card more than 30 days ago and you have not received it; and
    • It has been returned to USCIS by the Post Office as undeliverable; and
    • You have not moved from the address you provided to USCIS during the application or immigrant visa process that led to the creation of the card not received;

    My husband called USCIS today to check if they have correct address on file and alas they had old address. When we moved after filing for I-485/EAD/AP, we changed the address in Oct and also after we received receipt notices in Jan. We received EAD/AP/Finger printing notices at the present address for all three of us and now they are saying they had old address on my husband's I485 only, great!!!
    They were not sure where the card/welcome notice/approval notice were mailed, to my old address or the attorney. Will check with the attorney today, if not what is the procedure as the card will return back. Thanks in advance.


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  • simple1
    05-01 04:32 PM
    Take this scenario.

    Under current "mis categorized quota" setup a EB3 takes 6 years to get GC for entire family. take this following scenario.

    So the diff
    current primary @ebquota - 6 years minimum
    current derivative @ebquota - 6 years minimum
    correct primary @ebquota - less than 2 years approx ( one person in place of 3)
    correct derivative @fbquota - say 7 years.

    The diff will be approx 1 year for the derivative ( 7 years – 6 years ) when they are moved from ebquota to fbquota.

    again it cannot be more than 7 years ( 2 years primary GC + 5 years primary USC). the primary will get citizenship in 5 years and sponser the wife with in 2 to 3 months. so the diff cannot be more that a year. for derivative.

    Remember this point: this is not change of law. this is the correct interpretation of law).
    If it is not today some one will bring it up to CIS very soon.

    If you are USC and then you are talking abou the FB2. Not for the GC holder. So will have to wait for years.

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  • caforum2
    06-18 12:19 PM
    Mailed to NSC on: 1st June
    Mailed From State: IL
    Received at NSC on: June 2nd
    receipt date: June 4th
    140 approved from : NSC
    Receipt Date : June 16th
    Cashed on June 16th
    Receipt recedived on June 18th

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  • stldude
    08-13 03:10 PM
    Just saw my cheque cashed.. I think it got transferred over to TSC. I sent to NSC on Jul 2. And yes i had LUD in my I-140 as 7/28

    09-06 05:08 PM
    485 Filed 3rd July,

    RN on Aug'17th

    no Fp yet.

    04-30 02:37 PM
    but these numbers you quote are certifications not applications right? many applications during these years may be in BECs? and does this include both EB3, EB2 and other categories ??

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