Thursday, June 30, 2011

transformers dark of the moon megatron face

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  • snathan
    02-09 08:37 PM
    Its $669...come on guys

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  • hair Transformers Dark of the

  • sankap
    07-12 06:27 PM
    ...he may just approve even if you show the self employment will be in future (for future job requirement for GC), and he may agree for your "projected income".
    Suppose you're on the 3rd month of a 3-month contract on self-employment in same/similar occupation (a "permanent" job). Now, can't you say your "projected" annual income on self-employment, esp. if the project is *likely* to be extended for an unknown period? Another scenario: In a month you're *expected* to start working on a three-month project (@$60/hr). Can't you calculate your annual income ("projected," of course)?

    I think you have not read recent horror stories in H1B. They are just like that denying majority of H1B.
    Statistically speaking, there is always a high probability of H1B getting denied than for GC. Also, H-1B fraud (and now L1, EB1-GC "frauds"), esp. by desi IT bodyshoppers, is more prevalent (as noted by BusinessWeek) than GC fraud. In any case, just because a large number of H-B petitions are getting rejected, on *genuine* grounds, you can't assume the same proportion of GCs getting rejected.

    If the petitioner does not provide commitment/contract from end client for the entire duration of H1B period, H1B approval impossible. H1B is a temporary job; just think how much they will scrutinize for GC.
    H1B is a temporary job from USCIS perspective. Most of the time the employer is hiring an H-1B to fill a FT, "permanent" position. Why would that employer (e.g., an R&D or oil company) give the commitment for, say, just 3 (initial) years of contract? Most of the time, the employer has *intent* to keep the H-1B on that same job after GC.

    Those golden period are long gone. This is enforcement period as US unemployment rate is in double digit.
    Current recession/depression doesn't mean the USCIS/DOL flout their rules/laws (e.g., AC21)--it just means they need to follow the rules more strictly and reject any potential fraudulent cases. This enforcement is only going to increase as it takes more time for the economy to bottom out. Law-abiding H-1B and GC petitioners need not fear that.

    AC21 memo is a non-binding memo. Tomorrow they may release another memo or regulation that repeal the self employment in AC21 cases.
    If AC21 memo is non-binding, which immigartion law is binding? We can go with only current rules/laws; the rest is speculation.

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  • house aka Transformers: Dark

  • sent
    03-26 09:09 AM
    Just curious

    EB3-India with PD 2003 and before - Most will be out by December 2008 -
    Perhaps 10% may still rot in NC further.
    EB3-India with PD JAN 2004 - DEC 2004 - Most will be out by August 2009
    Perhaps 20% may still rot in NC
    EB3-India with PD JAN 2005 - April 2005 - Most will be out by April 2010
    Perhaps 5% may still rot in NC
    EB3-India May 2005 Onwards - Can not predict - It is good to look for other
    options and that option certainly MUST not
    be switching to EB2

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  • anzerraja
    07-20 09:49 AM
    Dear Members

    For those of you joining us late, here is some info about this thread.

    1. This is to do our least part to the core IV Team for their selfless sacrifice, for all of us getting the benefits of legal immigration. Note that , Aman Kapoor , the co-founder of IV has done his part by sacrificing $64,000/- from his own personal funds towards the administrative costs of IV. Yes you read it right , it is $64,000/- We come to know from his co-worker that he has sold his house towards running this show for us.

    2. We have not yet figured out a way to reimburse these costs as IV does not yet have administrative costs part of the expenditure allocation, as we understand it. So instead of a wait and watch, we decided to go ahead with collecting the pledge from the members on the amount they are putting forth for reimbursing the amount. Once we come up with a strategy(members we look for your suggestions on how to get this done, please add your comments) we will instruct the members pledged to pay out.

    Please help us spread the message about this thread in other threads by copy and pasting the following in other threads too.

    There is a funding drive in this other thread towards reimbursing Aman and other core IV member's expenses towards the administrative costs of IV.

    Could you please pledge an amount ?



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  • gcspace
    10-03 10:17 AM
    Hey Guys ,

    I am EB2 - July 3rd 9:03 AM - R WIllialms - Nothing received yet ..

    I called up yesterday and the lady on the phone tells me that we need to wait 90 BUSINESS days before we can raise a service ticket etc - Which is like 4 months nearly - November 2nd.

    Anyone else got a similar response ?

    To my knowledge its not business days, its 90 calendar days.

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  • Megatron

  • purgan
    12-10 09:44 AM
    All the appropriations bill will be dealt by the new Democratic Congress in Jan-Feb (CR expires Feb 15). Immigratio Relief provisions can be attached to these bills...i believe there is widespread support for these among both Democrats and most Republicans


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  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon

  • hope_4_best
    06-20 09:17 PM

    WASHINGTON - In a defeat for President Bush, Republican congressional leaders said Tuesday that broad immigration legislation is all but doomed for the year, a victim of election-year concerns in the House and conservatives' implacable opposition to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants.

    "Our number one priority is to secure the border, and right now I haven't heard a lot of pressure to have a path to citizenship," said Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., announcing plans for an unusual series of hearings to begin in August on Senate-passed immigration legislation.

    "I think it is easy to say the first priority of the House is to secure the borders," added Rep. Roy Blunt, the GOP whip.

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  • Omm
    04-24 09:49 PM
    It high time that these guys get kicked on what ever, I have seen so many of my friends frustated due to non payment and get scarred to do anything against it..... I appreciate your courage , If they do bussiness and employ people they should legally pay, So many poeple come from India with kids and family and suffer so much when they are not getting paid on bench...I can only sympathise with their situation , Shame on such bussiness...BLOOD SUCKERS, MANIACS . I would say USCIS should create a law to punish these blood sucking monsters.
    Training, H1b ...etc takes money what he not stupid(desi employer) to do it for free , He makes altleast 10 times of what he spends in just 6 months when the candidate is on project.

    I am sure I am going to get a lot of negative feedback for posting this in from hiding desi employers


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  • pictures Transformers Dark of

  • jessie1981
    06-12 12:08 PM
    Usually it is a maximum of 2 weeks. NSC approved some in 2 days.
    FP notice in a month or so..
    EAD 90 days minimum I guess. I don't know about the other one as I live in MI. we do not need anything like that here.

    It takes 90 days MINIMUM to get EAD? I've heard that it takes at most 90 days to get EAD. Does anyone know?

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  • Ice Megatron (Legends

  • vinabath
    04-24 09:45 AM
    In ideal situation Desi employer should provide value rather than just scrape money as revenue sharing mechanism.

    If a desi employer can go and get projects and becomes preferred vendor, he would not even do H-1s. He will use a Sub. Believe me H-1B visa is a pain in the ass even for the employer too.

    There is a reason desi employers exist. both the desi employers and desi employees pick the best possible scenario/solution with respect to their situation.


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  • pc, Transformers

  • test101
    07-04 07:09 PM
    Mine was mailed by june 29th and was delivered by July 1st at 10:10 pm by United states postal service (priority mail). Do not ask me how.. it's still a mystery to me.

    Some how it confirm that USCIS was working over the weekend

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  • punjabi
    12-17 02:18 PM
    Hi friend,

    I understand your situation. You can do two things:

    1. Watch a recent documentary movie "The Secret" (you can rent it from Blockbuster and Netflix)

    2. Donate at least $100 to IV.

    Good luck.

    Been in the US since 1998, have an EB-2 PD of 2001, have played by the rules all along. Still no GC... And, the dates are going back to 2000 from the new year.. I've lost hopes...

    I'm pretty close to getting clinical depression because of this game played by USCIS, Labor Dept, FBI and my own bad luck.

    SKILL bill, OMNIBUS, etc. comes and goes. IV does seem to be doing things to lobby for the community, but let's face one reality. Like a news article said, no one in congress or senate wants to touch immigration even with a long pole until 2009.

    The US has been very good to me (other than the GC part), more than my home country (India) which is why I'm still here.

    Have invested too much of time in this country to just pack up and go. Just curious if any of you feel this way? How do you handle such depressing feelings?


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  • sri1309
    03-16 10:56 AM
    There is very simple reason for this, during 1999-2002 H1B cap was raised to 190,000 even if you make a guess on the lower side more than 50% of these H1Bs went to Indians, so atleast 200,000 Indians entered US between 1999 when these people filed their Green Cards most of them filed under EB-3, b'cause retrogression wasn't there and everthing was current, lot of people, who were in the states where labor took less time, kept getting their green cards, in the meantime a huge chunk of people from states like NJ, NY, TX, CA got stuck at the labor stage with PD in 2000 and up. So basically lot of 2002 & above got cleared but these people with older PDs were stuck. Now when these Labors are cleared, with just 3300 Green Card numbers every year, it'll take 20 years or more for EB-3 cut-off dates to move to 2009.

    Good discussion.
    But even if it was 65000, from India, I'm sure most of them took a big slice, lets say 30%= 20,000 H1 visas. And did the 7% quota formula might have existed at that time too. If so, even then there must be quite a big line. Why were things current at any point. Were they just processing very fast without any attention to quota formula and then they woke up?

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  • tonyHK12
    02-14 08:42 AM
    thanks cleopatra, ajay and silveroaks for your contribution.

    yes, we are way behind on contributions.

    Amount raised = $2600.00
    Contributions needed = $47,400.00


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  • mrsr
    07-08 08:24 PM
    Why the hell they are looting the social security then , as non immigrant why the hell do i need it. Any congress men can answer this , they are stupid

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  • Megatron has adopted a stylish

  • marty
    04-24 03:10 PM
    I have done the landing and came back to US on Automatic Visa Revalidation as my 797 is valid. No problem at all while entering in Canada. The officer just looked at the permnant resident confirmation paper, ask how much funds I am carrying. I told him I have less than a $1000 but I will be transfering funds if needed. I was not asked to show the proof. Next I went to canadian customs and gave them the goods to follow list. The officer processed that and welcomed me to Canada. The whole process took like 15-20 min. While coming back to US the officer did ask me why I was travelling and what I do in US and I told him I came here to become permanant resident and I am on H1B in US. They asked if I applied for LPR in US and I said yes and it is pending. The CBP officer was aggressive, asked me lots of other question but didn't create any issues while issuing the new I-94. So overall, things went fine.


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  • eb2dec2005
    09-15 01:18 PM
    First step - Gather information and strengthen the support. Once we reach a ballpark, arrange meetings, conference calls

    Finalise a lawyer ( MadhUVJ - has great suggestions on it )

    Preparing an Action Plan, will be out soon.

    Man-Woman-GC is gathering details.

    Please join us in this effort

    Please let me know the process to pledge the $100. I am not a member of any state chapter but just a registered member on this site.

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  • Megatron pocesses Omega

  • peer123
    06-13 07:58 PM
    My attorney actually filed directly with TSC. So all my case numbers starts with SRC.

    Is there any specific center we should be sending our 485 application. I have applied for I140 from Nebraska, can I apply for 485 in Texas...

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  • brainpower1
    06-11 11:50 AM
    My attorney asked just to give one cheque for $745 each for myself and my spouse for I-485, I -131 and I-765. Our applications will be filed today.

    Is this OK. Will all the 3 receipt numbers be printed on the back of one cheque. Please let me know if anyone of you have done the same. Thank you.

    10-11 02:29 PM
    no news today. called uscis. talked to io. same message. they still have lot of applications to be registered. now calling everyday.

    09-03 08:54 PM
    Did you receive teh physical cards by now?

    My Case:

    08/12/08 - Approval Notice Sent message (This is the only message I got)
    08/18/08 - Received the Approval notice by post

    No cards till now...:confused:

    I actually spoke to Customer service and I got 2 very different responses.

    1. Wait till you are an old man and then the cards may just come !! (Just Kidding ) she actually said wait for 90 days.

    2. Another CSR told me that the TSC is having technical issues and they are not able to access the Biometric information on approved 485's in their systems. She advised me to download Form I-90 from the USCIS site and fill that in and send it in - if you have a minor on the petition then also send 2 passport size pictures of the minor - this will allow them to access the Biometric screen when they process the I-90. We will get Biometric notices and the Minor will get the card - the Grown ups will get the Cards after the Biometrics are uploaded.

    I have not done this - eventhough I downloaded the I-90 forms - I took a INFOPASS appt and if they suggest that I should do a I-90 then I can get that done right on the spot - I am carrying the filled I-90 with me. Anyhow I-90 is usually submitted to correct errors on the card or to replace a card - however this woman sounded quite knowledgeable - but then there are issues realted to where the I-90 should be sent - this is specially complicated if your case has been transferred a few times like mine was.

    Best is to check with the guys/gals at Infopass -meeting.

    All this was from the rep at the TSC - so not sure if this is applicable to all centers.


    I will post my Infoapss exp on the 9th of september.

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