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  • raydhan
    02-14 02:17 PM
    Thanks for that Iptel.

    Will include it in our lawmaker materials list right away and incorporate it into our presentation as soon as I can.


    Superb find. Great job. Among other things, this report talks accurately about the current Green Card delays and solutions and how LEGAL HIGH-SKILLED IMMIGRANTS add to the economy and innovativeness in the U.S.

    Selected sections can definitely be used to enlighten the lawmakers.

    Keep 'em coming!!!

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  • Jaime
    09-04 10:40 AM
    With 100,000 already gone, and with frustrations growing at a boiling point, the pressure being applied upon us will force us onto the path of least resistance. How long before we are all gone? If you are an American reading this, did you know that every other industralized country faces declining population? Do you really want the future population growth of the U.S>to come solely from illegal Salvadorean maids? Do you wnat the high-skilled people to move away to China and India and then see your quality of life deteriorate?

    U.S. faces decline in skilled workers
    New study says the wait for a green card frustrates immigrants.
    By Madhusmita Bora, Times Staff Writer
    Published August 23, 2007

    The only barrier stalling Arun Shanmugam's ascent in the corporate world is a small card that would proclaim him a permanent resident of the United States.

    The green card, which isn't green in color, would help him snag the next best opportunity, launch his own company, and enjoy homestead tax rebates.

    So, this year the Tampa software engineer joined a queue of more than 300,000 immigrants vying for the coveted card. But a severe backlog is forcing high-skilled workers to question their American dream.

    On Wednesday, a Kansas-based private, nonpartisan foundation released a study warning that America could face a sizable reverse brain drain unless the government eases visa restrictions, increases the quota and speeds up the process. The Kauffman Foundation said that there are more than 1-million skilled immigrants including doctors, engineers, and scientists competing for the approximately 120,120 green cards issued each year.

    The uncertainty of the process and the imbalance in the demand and supply could trigger a trend of highly trained immigrants returning to their country and moving elsewhere.

    "It's the first time in American history that we are faced with the prospect of a reverse brain drain," said Vivek Wadhwa, Wertheim fellow with the Harvard Law School and a co-author of the study.

    "There are so many business opportunities in Shanghai and Bangalore, why put up with all the immigration crap?"

    Many of the green card applicants are on a six-year H-1 B visa. The non-immigrant work permit keeps them wedded to a single employer. Immigrants who have applied for a green card can continue working on an extended H-1 B visa until the card arrives. But they can't change employers, or start their own companies. Their wait time is open-ended, made longer by a Congress-mandated quota for the visas and severe backlogs in the system.

    Frustrated with the system, in the last three to five years, 100,000 highly skilled Chinese and Indian immigrants have returned to their home country, Wadhwa said.
    In a fiercely competitive global economy, this is the worst time for such an exodus, experts say.

    "Our previous studies document that highly skilled workers accounted for one quarter of all successful high-tech start-ups in the last decade," said Robert Litan, vice president of research and policy at the Kauffman Foundation. "If we send a lot of these people back home, we will lose a disproportionate number of entrepreneurs."

    And the ripple affects are already emerging in the Tampa Bay area.

    "It's a huge problem," said Ray Weadock, CEO and president of Persystent Technologies. "The guys in Washington don't think much and their initial reaction is this will impact Cisco and Microsoft."

    But smaller companies take a bigger hit, because they don't often have the capital to send jobs to where the labor is, Weadock said. Weadock's company, which employs Shanmugam, is toying with the idea of setting up a subsidiary in India.

    Companies aren't the only ones chasing the labor market. Schools and universities are also jumping into the wagon. The population of international students in MBA programs across the country continues to dwindle, said Bob Forsythe, dean of the College of Business at University of South Florida.

    "And the demand for American business schools to go deliver programs in other countries have increased," he said.

    Harvard University and Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management are among a growing number of schools that have a presence in India. At USF, Forsythe's team is negotiating a venture in Romania.

    The visa problems here have encouraged governments worldwide to ease visa restrictions in their countries and nab the high skilled workforce.

    "There's a lot of mention of Canada," said Chandra Mitchell, an immigration attorney with Tampa-based Neil F. Lewis.

    Amar Nayegandhi, a USF graduate and a contract employee with the U.S. Geological Survey, has been waiting for his green card since 2002.

    He may soon give up, he said. The long wait has cost him job opportunities, forced upon him a commuter marriage and restricted his economic mobility. His H1-B visa runs out in February, and even though he can extend it and continue awaiting the green card, he's contemplating leaving the country.

    "I have friends who have gone back simply frustrated with the setup," he said. "I am asking myself if this is really worth it."

    Shanmugam of Persystent Technologies says he, too, will only wait for about a year before considering giving up his spot in the line and heading back to his native India.

    "This is not the only place to be anymore," he said. "You can find better opportunities everywhere."

    By the numbers
    200,000: Employment-based applicants waiting for labor certification in 2006 - the first step in the U.S. immigration process.
    50,132: Pending I-140 applications - the second step of the immigration process. That's seven times the total in 1996 of 6,743.
    125,421: Estimated applicants residing abroad who were waiting for permanent residency status.
    100,000: Estimated number of highly skilled Chinese and Indian immigrants who have returned to their home country in recent years.

    Highlights of Kauffman Foundation reports
    - Foreign nationals are contributing to one out of four of all the global patents filed in the United States.
    - One quarter of all tech companies nationwide and 52 percent of tech companies in the Silicon Valley were founded by immigrants.
    - More than 1-million skilled workers and their families (scientists, doctors, engineers, Ph.D. researchers) are waiting for green cards. About 120,0000 green cards are issued each year with a 7 percent limit per country.
    -Hundreds of thousands of skilled immigrant workers may get frustrated with the waiting process that could be 6 to 10 years and leave the United States. The reverse brain drain could be critical to Americans corporations and hurt the country's competitiveness in a global economy.
    - Immigrant-founded companies produced $52-billion in revenues and employed 450,000 workers in 2006.

    Madhusmita Bora can be reached at or (813) 225-3112.

    [Last modified August 22, 2007, 23:19:43]

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  • NKR
    09-21 01:18 AM
    Confused ...i think GC stands for Great Confusion
    Came in 2001....PD 2003......EB3

    Will I ever get my GC? What is it anyway?

    When my labor certification was stuck at backlog elimination center, i was hoping that LC does not stand for "Lost Case" and now for some fre**king reason my early 2004 EB2 case is not being picked up when later cases are being approved, now I hope that GC does not stand for "Gone Case".

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  • solaris27
    10-02 11:16 AM
    Yes it will be Pending Adjustment for all of you if you use EAD .

    But as backup and if not required just be on H1B visa and do job for same company again if possible .

    or if you are changing company file H1B extension as backup.


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  • meridiani.planum
    04-06 02:34 AM

    I got an offer from employer B for a consulting GIG. I would like to invoke AC-21.
    >> Personal choice here. However, it proves that your intent was not correct. If you think you would be stuck for many years, may be you should - you know it better, because the hassle and risk is not worth the little extra money.

    -- there is no issue with intent. He has stayed for 6 months with current employer. After 6 months the law itself allows him to change sponsoring employer, so where is the question of intent?

    2) Should I let USCIS know that I am changing my employment?
    >> You better do inform the USCIS of your intentions (including AC21) if you want to keep the H1 visa status active. Because if you had registered all your cases (present or old past receipt notices too) at USCIS website, you would have noticed that there are recent LUDs on the first H1/? that you entered the US. Had you known this you would not have asked this question ;-)

    --what are you talking about? A LUD could mean anything from a system update to your previous employer finally cancelling your H1. What recent-LUDs-on-first-H1 are you talking about?

    >> (Also remember that when you use EAD : presently it means loosing H1 permanently unless you have some time left from the 6 year limit),

    --Why? If you have an approved I-140 you can file an H1 extension even if yuou are on EAD. It does require you to leave the US and return to 'activate' the H1 though.

    4) I am not sure how big employer B is (not sure how many employees work for them)....does it matter? Should I be concerned if employer B is a small employer?
    >> It should be good to check the employee base and financial position of the new employer. The USCIS may deny your H1 transfer and leave you in a tough spot. It may also affect the 485 decision as success of AC21 is also dependent upon this.

    -- USCIS has clarified that abiity-to-pay has to only be proven by original sponsoror. Where does it say that financial position of new employer is important for success of AC-21?
    Here's a link to, and info from the USCIS memo:,0520-ac21.pdf
    Question 7. Should service centers or district offices request proof of �ability to pay� from successor employers in I-140 portability cases, in other
    words, from the new company/employer to which someone has
    Answer: No. The relevant inquiry is whether the new position is in the same or similar occupational classification as the alien�s I-140 employment.

    agree with the rest of your post.

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  • adiboss007
    06-07 10:52 PM


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  • kumarc123
    08-13 02:09 PM
    after rolling out the sept visa ... rao saab aaram kar rahe hain...
    kindly not "DISTUB"


    (translation : __mr rao is resting__)

    Come on guys, give him a break.

    His analysis was accurate, if any of you came across the September 08 bulletin, EB2 advanced by two months. Which equates to what vldrao analyzed in the past, the use of 20,000 visas in September.

    We all IV members stand united and lets not adverse someone on the basis of his righteousness. Even if a IV member is wrong, let's all correct him.


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  • delhirocks
    07-05 06:36 PM
    First off, thanks for the response guys.

    So how do i get the copy of the I-140 from the company. Is it my legal right to get this or do i have to beg :) ? Also, company B is a startup and they are willing to file a new Perm application. Is there a big risk of Perm applications being reject from these type of small startup companies?

    My take is that I-140 is a petition from the employer unlike I-485. I don't think its your right to get it if they do not want to give.


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  • eb3_nepa
    04-13 11:19 AM
    I was reading this article.

    It's a great article and maybe we shud add it in our FAQ section.

    If you scroll down to the heading "The Bill Becomes Law"

    it says :

    Officially, after the President signs the bill, 10 days passes without a signature, or after a veto override, the bill is considered law. It is in effect at that moment. But in reality, it is, of course, more difficult than that.

    Even on the Wikipedia article listed in the FAQ there was no mention of a 90 day delay. Just wondering if Sen Sessions simply asked for a 90 day delay or a 180 day delay.

    Check this out too.

    "A bill becomes law on the date of approval or passage over the President's veto, unless it expressly provides a different effective date."

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  • piyu7444
    04-01 02:37 PM
    Hi Vinnysuru

    Case is approvable but my question is - will I have to wait till Visa bulletin has PD date showing NOV 2006 or beyond or Current or they can just get a visa number now (say April 08) and send it for card prodcution ?


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  • raysaikat
    04-23 03:28 PM
    Hello thanks for the reply.
    By applying for a petition did you mean:
    - give the job advertisement in a newsletter,
    - get the LCA
    - then apply for a petition - I-129
    >> what is the time frame for this petition application?
    - apply for the waiver (i mean J1 applies and gets it lets say in 2-3 months)
    >> i'll be still working with my J2 EAD, during waiver comes.
    - once the waiver comes, then what is the procedure?\

    Thanks again!

    Your company needs to hire an immigration lawyer for doing the H1-B petition and you need to talk to that person. The forums are not a substitute for lawyers; for one, you may not get the response/information/answer that fits your specific situation. Forums are for getting a good overview --- general knowledge, so to say --- so that you know what is happening --- and you already have more than enough general information.

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  • chanduv23
    06-19 10:15 AM
    Here is a recap from Murthy bulletin

    USCIS Errors in Denying a Case
    AILA Liaison requested that, where the USCIS denies a case in error, then the filing fee for a Motion to Reopen or appeal should be waived. It was suggested that the Ombudsman�s office needs to intervene in emergency cases, where time is of the essence.

    Although the Ombudsman's office cannot adjudicate or approve a case, it believes that these channels may help in obtaining resolution via internal communications that recommend specific solutions.

    It is important that the entire process with USCIS be followed in terms of filing the appeal or motion to reconsider (MTR) or other process. The CIS Ombudsman's office may attempt to intervene to resolve particular matters, but the individual or employer needs to follow the particular agency's guidelines and not miss any deadline or assume that the Ombudsman will resolve all legal concerns within a particular timeframe.

    Folks - if we are not willing to help ourselves, we will have to go through these burden. So plese come forward.

    If Authorities know about issues that are common and widespread - then necessary steps will be taken to correct them - otherwise we are all bound to suffer


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  • noone2day78
    02-15 01:17 PM
    Hmm... I agree with : "Once you strart using EAD your H1 will be terminated."

    what I dont agree with is : "If you want to switch to H1 again your need to apply for fresh H1 in the new quota."

    You can reapply for H1-B but you are NOT subject to H1-B cap / quota.
    It should not be subject to the annual cap unless you have been out of the U.S. for at least one year since you were last in H-1B status.

    ohh is this really true? can u specify a source for this ?

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  • mjULTRA
    05-27 06:42 PM
    i voted for golgi, cuz it had a theme, but festers site deserves an honorable mention.


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  • akhilmahajan
    11-16 08:29 AM
    We are actively meeting with lawmakers across Southern California in OC, LA and San Diego. New members, please sign in to our local chapter, details are in my signature. Join in on local lawmakers meetings and help in raising awareness of our issues. We have experienced members in our group who can provide guidance and answer all your questions if you have never done anything like this before. We do need active members in various constituencies though, to help us reach out to all the lawmakers in our region. Read about our local lobbying activities on Southern California yahoo groups and perhaps you could contribute something to our efforts.

    If you are interested in meeting lawmakers please contact your state chapters, as they can help you in setting up an appointment. But before you do that you need to remember few things:-

    1. Firstly, you need to have your contact information updated.
    2. Secondly, you can only meet lawmaker on a weekday, so be ready to take a half day.
    3. Thirdly, this is very important, you yourself need to be very well educated on the issue, before you go and try to educate them.
    4. IV can help you and guide you and also provide material.

    Come on folks, lets make up our mind and go over it.


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  • eb3retro
    06-17 05:51 AM
    Years and years of waiting? no kidding. Look at my priority date. And there are people waiting before me. You used a pre-approved labor and have been waiting in the GC queue from what 2006? Dude, in today's world, a reasonable wait for eb3-is anywhere between 10-15 years and eb2 is atleast 5-6 years. I am not mad that you used a pre-approved labor, though in my personal opinion, its a taboo. I am just saying you are lucky enough that you may get your green card much quickly than people like us who have been waiting atleast 8-10 years and trust me, people like your case, usually should be happy.

    Well, I understand that. But, when the stars line up finally, I don't want to see my application having problems because I used a pre-approved labor.

    it would be encouraging to hear from folks who got their GC and used pre-approved labor. Years and years of wait should yield something, and just not plain disappointment.


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  • snathan
    02-10 12:12 PM
    I have a masters in Electrical engineering. And my job duties is system administration or say system analyst.

    Then your job requirement decides whether its EB2 or EB3.

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  • lkapildev
    11-13 04:21 PM
    You may be lucky You can have a GC without I-140 approval. True. Your GC status is subject to I-140 Approval

    You may be unlucky, USCIS might have returned your application or there is some RFE etc.

    Just prey

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  • meridiani.planum
    02-01 11:23 PM

    I recently got my 485 approved and got my card too. My wife's case is bit complicated.
    I would appreciate if someone can throw light on this.

    She applied her 485 in August 2007. Her 485 was seperately filed with her company since I was physically not present in US at that time in order to apply her as my dependent through my primary 485.

    I applied for my 485 in Oct 2007 when I came back to US. I did not add her as dependent since she already applied for her 485.

    Later in 2008 ( , my lawyer sent a letter to USCIS requesting them to link her 485 as my dependent. Now after my 485 is approved, my lawyer checked with USCIS whether her case is linked to mine. Lawyer was informed that the case is indeed linked and that her 485 will be approved anytime.

    But now, my wife;s position in her company is not that good as there are layoffs happening. If God forbid she gets layed off from her current h1b status, will she be in status? can she continnue to stay in US without working?


    yes, since she has a pending 485 she does not have to worry about status, that pending 485 keeps the status around. She can even file for an EAD.

    06-26 12:48 PM
    There is a news in news article thread that Senators Cantwell & Kyl have proposed a amendment which will open up a parallel employer sponsored GC path. Anyone has information regarding this amendment?

    02-25 11:11 AM
    You can get EAD and AP when you apply for I 485. After you get EAD you can apply for SSN. Looks like you and your mom have not yet applied for I-485. If that's the case, then unfortunately you won't be eligible for FAFSA as per my knowledge. I may be wrong.

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