Tuesday, June 14, 2011

nonverbal communication examples

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  • nonverbal communication in

  • pkv
    01-07 06:13 PM
    Thanks Sanjay02.

    Another follow-up question.. I'm planning to file for EAD, which passport number should I use in this form ?
    If I use new one(which is valid), isn't it in contra with AOS application?

    Has anyone faced this situation ?

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  • non verbal communication

  • gc_kaavaali
    12-10 02:53 PM
    Please consider contributing IV...IV need your help to resolve our immigration problems.


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  • Examples Of Bad Nonverbal

  • Administrator2
    08-05 12:04 PM
    I am sorry for posting in here, but I was wondering if someone actually went in person to the Houston Consulate to get their passport renewed. Also, do we need to have any reason to attend in person at the Consulate such as emergency, etc.

    I am from India and my passport is expiring on Aug 17. I read before in the forum that it is better to go in person to renew the passport. Any experiences please let me know.

    Thanks a bunch

    If you are in an emergency situation and need to renew your ppt on urgent basis, please send me a PM.

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  • verbal and nonverbal

  • pbojja
    03-18 04:59 PM
    Sorry but little confused .

    Did you apply the GC with the company you are working for now? If so why do you want to change Employer before I140 is approved .

    If you change the company and if there is a query on your 140 you are back to square1 .

    I would recommend you work on I140 approval , as amit suggested contact your senator


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  • nonverbal communication style

  • prem_goel
    11-22 11:39 PM
    anyone up for H-1b stamping at Tijuana - Mexico on 30th November. Please ping me and we can plan together. Thanks!

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  • nonverbal communication

  • thescadaman
    03-24 12:53 PM
    Nice interview. Thanks Mark! I enjoyed your responses. You were well prepared with facts to support your points.


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  • 1) Non-verbal communication

  • jvs_annapurna
    05-07 11:23 PM
    sorry guys i was moving to new place. it was with i-94

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  • Examples Of Bad Nonverbal

  • ivar
    02-03 03:29 PM
    Hi EveryOne,

    I got my Green card in mail yesterday. I want to thank IV and everyone for all the support during this GC journey. I wish everyone all the best for their green card process. I wish everyone gets to file 485 irrespective of priority dates and ultimately get their green cards. This is a question to Admin, i have a recursive donation going on, I would like to make a one time donation and stop the recursive donation.



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  • non-verbal communication

  • immi_seeker
    07-14 05:11 PM
    Talked to both L1 & L2 officers in uscis. They have no idea whether this is an error or not. All they can tell is that it is the adjudicating officers who decide on the extension period. They advised me to send back the original cards with a new application to fix the error. I talked to my attorney and we are not going to do that. We will send an application to extend this EAD card before it expires.

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  • nonverbal communication is

  • vamsi_poondla
    02-18 06:04 PM
    You may want to know the pros and cons. If you want your baby to deliver in US, you can try visitor visa route I guess,,,not sure if it allows dependent child to stay with you more than 1 year.

    Or best - wait for baby and deliver him after getting citizenship :-)

    Or check with Angie Jolie/ Bradd Pitt couple..they must have tried all the above and more alternatives ;-)


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  • non-verbal communication

  • paskal
    08-16 08:40 PM
    hello WA members,

    we need to get this chapter up and running again.
    anyone still coordinating efforts?
    anyone interested in getting things going again?

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  • Nonverbal Communication is

  • permfiling
    12-15 08:55 PM
    Thanks psam. Did they say what was the issue and how many days did it take to get the card after the issue was found out?


    house example non verbal nonverbal communication examples. NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION

  • saro28
    10-30 09:08 PM
    Hello ncgc, Please post your experience once you get the card back. My spouse (filed seperate) has the the same issue. She received the EAD card with wrong photo and today she received the AP with the wrong photo as well. We are going to send it back to the lawyer, so he can follow up with INS. Is your AP photo looks ok?

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  • non verbal communication

  • sobers
    05-31 03:46 PM
    Clearly IV-QGA has a long ways to go before it an be featured in the 'big league'. Despite its short existence, its commendable what IV-QGA has been able to accomplish.

    National Immigration Forum: Angela Kelley, Christina DeConcini, Lynn Tramonte
    The Forum, the leading pro-immigrant advocacy group, has just expanded its lobbying arm by adding DeConcini, who was formerly with the Catholic Legal Immigration Network. The Forum “brings together strange bedfellows,” Kelley, its deputy director, said. She said groups that normally have little in common, such as the Chamber of Commerce, organized labor and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, join to work toward a “rational, constructive immigration policy.” Tramonte is the Forum’s senior policy communications associate.

    Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR): Paul Egan, Brian Bilbray
    Egan is the group’s director for government relations. FAIR is seeking a moratorium on most immigration to give the country time to develop a comprehensive reform strategy. Former Rep. Bilbray (R-Calif.) is on FAIR’s board of advisers and runs the group’s congressional task force. One lobbyist said Bilbray’s “incredible access” to the House of Representatives has helped FAIR in its work on immigration reform.
    * Bilbray is competing in a special election on June 6 to replace Duke Cunningham. If this guys wins, it will surely galvanize the Anti-Immigration forces in Congress and on the Hill.
    McCains cancels appearance at fundraiser:

    NumbersUSA.com: Rosemary Jenks, James Edwards
    Jenks is the in-house lobbyist for the group. She said that while NumbersUSA originally was involved in the impact of immigration on the labor market, the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, “made it clear we also need to look at security.” Edwards, who is with Olive, Edwards & Brinkman, also said that immigration is currently seen “through the lens of security.” A legislative director for former Rep. Ed Bryant (R-Tenn.), Edwards worked on immigration issues when lawmakers passed immigration reform in the 104th Congress. At the time, Bryant was a member of the House Judiciary Committee’s Immigration, Border Security and Claims Subcommittee. Edwards also co-wrote The Congressional Politics of Immigration Reform, published in 1998.

    Agricultural Coalition for Immigration Reform (ACIR): Monte Lake, Craig Regelbrugge, Sharon Hughes
    This ad hoc coalition includes more than 100 organizations with a “substantial labor need,” said co-chairman Regelbrugge, who is also the senior director of government relations for the American Nursery & Landscape Association. The group wants to ensure that agriculture employers have access to a seasonal work force to make certain the country has a “safe and secure food supply.” While individual members of the coalition pitch in, ACIR is also relying on some outside help. Lake is a partner with McGuiness Norris & Williams. The former deputy attorney general of California said that before the 2001 terrorist attacks, the group was close to achieving its goal of helping to reform immigration in a way that allowed access to seasonal workers while instituting a system of “earned immigration.” Hughes is the executive vice president of the National Council of Agricultural Employers and a key component in coordinating ACIR’s grassroots campaign.

    United to Secure America: William Crosby, Wright Andrews
    In the first half of this year, the group spent more than $600,000 in lobbying fees, including $180,000 each to Butera & Andrews, Podesta Mattoon and Timothy R Rupli & Associates. The group advocates boosting national security through allowing what it calls a “manageable number” of immigrants and non-immigrant visitors. One source praised the access of Crosby, a former GOP chief counsel on the House Rules Committee and 27-year Hill veteran who now works for the Livingston Group, as especially valuable.

    American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA): Judith Golub, Marshall Fitz
    Golub is the senior director of advocacy and public affairs for the 9,000-member group and Fitz is the associate director. AILA aims to educate Congress and the public about the benefits of an immigration policy that allows refugees and workers to enter the country.


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  • Leo07
    09-13 11:18 AM
    Let's not fool ourselves with these petty differences.


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  • ujjvalkoul
    01-17 05:21 PM
    huh!!! no responses...Am I the only one with this issue????


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  • example non verbal

  • santb1975
    02-14 11:02 PM
    We need participation. We know we have committed people in our group

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  • components of nonverbal

  • masouds
    08-30 02:49 AM
    Hi frnds,

    I used to work for a company A in california.. Boss is kind of using very bad language constantly and torchers almost everyday. Is there any1 who can help me out or has similar situations. Is there any1 that i can file a complain. Since he knew that I am on H1B and international student he was continuously abusing. any help would appreciated.


    You sure you want to go there? People talk tough (use f word, b word and Samuel L. Jackson's favorite word a lot to create an impression of "Don't you mess with me I am one tough guy"
    Is he bad with H1-B people only or everyone regardless of their race/background/favorite color/etc?
    Before you do anything, consult with a lawyer. In most places, you can complain to your boss' boss, or to HR. But please do that after talking to a lawyer (labor law). In some environments it is normal to be like that.
    having said that, have you tried to find out what his real problem is? (assuming he is a he. )

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  • signals of nonverbal

  • anilsal
    12-20 11:51 PM
    I am from IL. I will try to attend. I will request other IL state chapter members to join the call, if they have some free time.

    07-27 02:32 PM
    Yeah, he did, but no form is signed by me. Moreover I have not given any authorization form.
    Is it OK.

    Please confirm.
    Thanks for the earlier reply.

    02-22 06:35 PM
    Unless its absolutely necessary that you go out of the country I would not advise you to leave. In recent days I have heard of people with even valid H1 stamps and with projects on hand being turned back from POE by IO's despite getting assurances from the employee's manager that the position is critical. The question from the IO was they could find ton's of people here in the US who have similar skills and there is no need for a H1 guy to do it.

    Do not want to spread the panic but ....Be careful..

    - good luck

    Can you please give some specific examples? If the IOs at POE are going to decide the admissibility of a person based on his/her job demand and availability of US citizens for that job, what the heck is DOL for? Why we need LCAs at all?

    To the best of my knowledge the IOs at POE do not decide the admissibility of a person based on his educational back ground ,demand for the job he/she is doing or the availability of US citizens. That job is done by USCIS,DOL and the genuineness of the candidate is checked by the visa issuing consulate. Th IOs at POE check whether the person is otherwise inadmissible into US (Visa validity,Candidate's intention to work for the same employer and criminal/background checks).

    Please stop spreading rumors.

    Thank you

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